The Hunt For Rag October

October 13, 2002

by Timothy Rollins, Editor-in-Chief, American Partisan

With an unprecedented manhunt underway in both Virginia and especially the Maryland suburbs of Washington DC by every law enforcement agency imaginable, including the first-ever involvement by agents of the ATF and uniformed officers of the United States Secret Service, we have to wonder how much of the truth we aren’t being told.

Follow the logic for a moment. With feds in the hunt, you just know there’s something we aren’t being told. One of the two descriptions is of a white van driven by a white male. The other one involves two Hispanics. If you cross the facial features of a white male with the complexion of a Hispanic, the only plausible description one could come up with is perpetrators of the Middle Eastern variety. If that’s the case, then America should wake up, take up arms, train themselves in their responsible use, care and maintenance, and if necessary, be prepared to use them in defense of themselves, their families and communities.

Our Founding Fathers pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor in the establishment of this great land over 200 years ago. Somewhere along the way, after World War II, people got complacent - fat, dumb, happy, on their butts, expecting others to carry the load. We assume the guy next door will do the work, only now we find we’re spread too thin and there aren’t enough people doing the vital work necessary to defend our nation and protect it from those who would seek to do it harm. This problem worsened when the draft ended, and was in large part why I made the case for a return to a peacetime draft in a column a few years back.

We live in a land that has given us much. Therefore, we have a sacred obligation to give a portion of our lives back in order that subsequent generations may enjoy the blessings of liberty and freedom that we have received from those who have gone before us. In order that these blessings and rights may continue, and the light of liberty continue to shine, it is necessary that we all get involved.

The sniper or snipers are acting in a pattern that defies all profiles on record at the FBI - and they’re the best profilers around. It is essential that these people be found and soon. Given their absolutely reckless disregard, and total depravity with which they view American life, they must be hunted down and killed.

My friend and colleague Jennifer King had this to say on the matter in "The Death of Danny Pearl": "The brutal murder of Danny Pearl, captured on videotape by his merciless captors, should cause all Americans to realize that we are dealing with a foe every bit as barbaric, fanatical and bent on world domination as the Nazis and the Japanese. They will unhesitatingly kill every single American they can find, unless we kill them first. That is the stark reality. Those on the Left will finally have to pick on which side they will choose to fight."

Yes, folks - we’re now at that point. It’s time for all of American society - especially the Left - to wake up and smell whatever they drink first thing in the morning. They’re coming for us, pure and simple. Until security is tightened up, and until the feds quit worrying about offending non-citizens (who don’t have a lawful RIGHT to be here - after all, they are GUESTS), then we’ll continue to be on our own in regards to our self-protection.

Government is supposed to have a limited role in our lives, as a servant and not as a master. We should rely on ourselves first, families second, church and community next, and government only after all other measures have been exhausted.

Decide now on which side you stand, for you may be called upon to defend it with your life. Such decisions are called character and its companion integrity is shown when character is carried out under pressure from others who seek to undermine or destroy it - even from within.

These are the makings of true heroes, and these are the makings of a legacy worth remembering.

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