David Hunt is the Admin of the Freedom Patriots of Colorado, a group on Facebook, and hails on the website - https://www.conservativepatriotalliance.com.
David Hunt is an authentic WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) and personifies everything that the Left hates. Besides being a happily married father of three daughters and a heterosexual, white Christian male, Dave is a long-time conservative activist, blogger, author, and columnist. As a political activist, ideologue, propagandist, and unapologetic rabble-rouser, Dave is always a tireless defender of the middle class, common sense, and the American way of life. Nicknamed “The Sage” in college by a friend, he blogged using that moniker for many years. He is a traditionalist follower of the Anglo-Irish statesman, Edmund Burke (the father of the modern conservative movement) and American political theorist Russell Kirk. As such, he characterizes himself as a Burke/Kirk conservative. As the son, grandson, great-grandson, step-great-grandson, and grand-nephew of Ministers of the Gospel, Dave brings a unique blended background of theology and ideology to the great debates of the day. (see more on his website...)Visit David Huntwork's web site at https://www.conservativepatriotalliance.com