Wayne Jacobsen is a Christian man - a 'pastor,' an author, an elder, and a brother.
Using his own words from his website:
I consider myself a brother on a journey, willing to share what God has given to me in any way that will help others discover the joy of life in him. As you will see the Lord has been gracious to me, and everything he has done in me and through me is by his mercy and grace. I hope the real story you glean from these pages is a greater awareness of God’s unfolding work in you, not in me.
I have been on a life-long journey to sort out what it means to live in the love of the Father. I also have an unremitting desire to help other people who are on that journey or want to go on it, which is why I maintain Lifestream.org. I enjoy helping people discover how to live loved by God and to live freely in healthy friendships with other believers. As we learn to do that, we’ll also find that we will quite naturally become a conduit of God’s compassion to a world that is broken and devastated by sin. I have shared this story in books and articles, spoken of it in teachings,which you can find out more about on this website. I also co-host a regular podcast at The God Journey.