Joe Biden's Red Flags Are China And Russia's USSRBiden is ready to seize your guns.By Bob McCray April 1, 2024
The 2nd Amendment recognizes American Citizens' right to have firearms: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, SHALL NOT be infringed.” On 23 March 2024, the DOJ Office of Public Affairs issued the following press release: “The Justice Department launches the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) which will provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals responsible for implementing laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others.” A Red Flag Law is a legal instrument that will allow law enforcement to seize firearms under the guise of stopping a potential shooter, who may have mental health issues. The ERPO will amplify the existing state Red Flag Laws, the Federal government will inject money to beef up those Red Flag Laws. In some states, all it will take is a neighbor, relative, or ex-spouse to say that a gun owner scares them or seems to act strange. All the government has to do is say you’re nuts, and they can steal your guns - good luck if you try to get them back by going to court. That is all the justification law enforcement will need to seize guns. Shortly after the passing of the 2024 House Omnibus Bill, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) posted on X, “Merrick Garland just announced a massive Red Flag Operation that the DOJ will be running by using EVERY spy tool the US government has in order to violate America’s Second Amendment!!” Looking at the kind of treatment federal law enforcement has used on Biden’s political enemies, you can expect cops in full battle rattle will kick in your doors in the middle of the night, and you will be dragged out in handcuffs. This is the same tactic we have seen used in Russia’s old Soviet Union, Hitler’s NAZI regime, and in Communist China. The 2nd Amendment is the RIGHT that protects the rest of the Bill of Rights; destroy the 2nd Amendment and we have no rights. To re-cap a couple of paragraphs from last week’s article: Written in 1791 the 2nd Amendment guarantees the American Citizen, the “right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” To further strengthen the 2nd Amendment, the 1792 Militia Act was added and can be found in the U.S. Statue Codes, as U.S.C. 10, Chapter 12. The left tries to characterize the Militia Act as a document that covers the muskets, ball and powder of colonial times. Wrong! The 1792 Militia Act, has been updated 4 times, the first revision was in 1903 when the state militias were converted into the National Guard. The 1956 and 1958 revisions covered racial integration and women holding positions in the Guard. The last revision was in 1993, which cleaned up archaic language. The 1792/1903 Militia Act continues to affirm the purpose of the armed people of the United States as “the Militia of the United States.” An armed citizen who is able and willing is a member of that Militia, a militia that is supposed to be able to fall in behind the U.S. Army in times of a national emergency. The only way the armed citizen is able to support our military in an armed militia, is the armed citizen must own a military-grade firearm such as the AR-15. We have many independent militias around the country, and they are legal. To locate a clean unmodified copy of the 1792/1903 Militia Act, go to the Library of Congress. It has started. The U.S. government is going rogue and is violating the rights of American Citizens. The Biden Administration is in alliance with the worst of the bad actors of the world, who want to destroy the United States.