"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Memorial Day 2024

We always need to remember the sacrifices of our War dead.

May 27, 2024


Every May on Memorial Day, we take the time to remember our military war dead. Unfortunately for many, Memorial Day is the first day of summer with thousands heading to the beaches, the mountains, ball games, barbeques, rivers and lakes. They give no thought or have any understanding of the meaning of Memorial Day.  

For those who remember, it brings back memories of those who did not make it home, leaving a permanent hole in the fabric of a family. For the surviving veterans, it means memories of people who will always be remembered as 19 years old. For others, it means an old recurring nightmare. Some will participate in parades and remembrance ceremonies, while others will sit quietly at home. 

Before heading to those summertime activities, take some time to remember those who were lost. Take some time to teach the kids about the sacrifices, that have kept our country free. Remember the people who have given everything they were and everything they would have been, so that we could have the freedoms we all enjoy. 

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Ted R. Weiland
MEMORAL DAY WAR PROPAGANDA Memorial Day with all its trimmings, as well meaning as it may be, is nonetheless just more war propaganda for enlisting more of our young men and women as cannon fodder for the current and future international bankers' wars and the Constitutional Republic's international military industrial complex: "...The power to declare war is a serious responsibility. Why were the framers so vague in defining the parameters of war and the conditions under which it could be declared? Section 8, Clause 11 is the only place of significance where warfare is mentioned in the Constitution. Little wonder this power has been abused. Luther Martin [one of the Maryland's delegates to the Constitutional Convention] protested: '…the congress have also a power given them to raise and support armies, without any limitation as to numbers, and without any restriction in time of peace. Thus, sir, this plan of government, instead of guarding against a standing army, that engine of arbitrary power, which has so often and so successfully been used for the subversion of freedom, has in its formation given it an express and constitutional sanction….'40.... "Because the framers provided no Biblical parameters, unbiblical warfare has been the rule ever since. Following is a list of the countries bombed by the United States since World War II: China: 1945-46; 1950-53 Korea: 1950-53 Guatemala: 1954; 1967-69 Indonesia: 1958 Cuba: 1959-60 Vietnam: 1961-73 Congo: 1964 Laos: 1964-73 Peru: 1965 Cambodia: 1969-70 Granada: 1983 Libya: 1986; 2011 El Salvador: 1980s Nicaragua: 1980s Panama: 1989 Iraq: 1991-2001; 2003-09 Sudan: 1998 Afghanistan: 1998; 2003-09 Yugoslavia: 1999. "From 1945 to the present [2012], the United States has bombed nineteen different countries under the guise of defending America’s sovereignty and promoting democracy. But America is none the better for it, and not one of these countries has become a legitimate democracy – not that this would be anything to celebrate. Something is amiss. Wars fought for political gain or financial profit can only be classified as ungodly acts of aggression...." For more, see Chapter 4 "Article 1: Legislative Usurpation" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at bible versus constitution dot org. Click on the top article on our Online Book page and scroll down to Chapter 4.
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