Questions for a Communist TerroristApril 27, 2009Thanks to Rupert Murdoch, Bill Ayers' "comrade" and Weather Underground terrorist Mark Rudd is on a book tour, trying to cash in on his bloody record. Murdoch's Harper Collins published Rudd's book, Underground: My Life With SDS and the Weathermen. During the week of April 20th he was in the San Francisco/Oakland, California area. According to Rudd's website, he has other speeches and lectures scheduled around the country. Here are some suggested questions for Mark Rudd: 1) Your fingerprints were found in a Weather Underground bomb factory in San Francisco. What bombs were constructed there and how many people did they kill? 2) Where was the bomb constructed that killed Police Sgt. Brian McDonnell at the San Francisco Park Police Station on February 16, 1970? (A report about the case is available here). 3) Have you ever volunteered to tell authorities what you know about the bomb that killed Officer McDonnell? 4) Do you have any reason not to believe former FBI informant Larry Grathwohl's sworn testimony that Bill Ayers told him that Bernardine Dohrn planted that bomb? 5) You admit approving the construction and placement of a bomb designed to kill or hurt hundreds, perhaps thousands, of servicemen and their wives and girlfriends at Ft. Dix. Since you believed in "offing the pigs," did you sanction the bombing of the Park Police Station in San Francisco as well? 6) Why won't you come clean and tell the truth about your role in the Park Police Station bombing? 7) Your comrades wrote the Prairie Fire Manifesto dedicated to the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy. Why did Ayers and Dohrn want RFK dead? Is it because they (and you) were not anti-war but pro-war and in favor of a communist victory in Vietnam and around the world? Were you proud of 1-2 million dying in neighboring Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge? 8) The Weather Underground told Grathwohl that as many as 25 million Americans would have to be killed if they took over. Do you agree with that estimate? 9) Your comrade Bernardine Dohrn praised mass murderer Charles Manson. Do you know if she has ever sought psychiatric help? Have you? 10) Since it's clear you don't care about the lives of police officers, why didn't you stop the Ft. Dix bomb plot and save the lives of your comrades who died when the bomb accidentally went off? 11) Have you ever expressed remorse to the parents of your comrades Robbins, Oughton, and Gold? 12) Have you ever expressed remorse to the victims of Weather Underground terrorism and their families? 13) How much of a cash advance were you paid by Rupert Murdoch for your blood-soaked "memoir?" Shouldn't you give that money to the families of those you injured or killed? 14) On your trip to Cuba, how many Cuban intelligence officials did you meet with? Besides Julian Torres Rizo, what were their names? What kind of training in terrorism did you receive? 15) Are you proud of your sponsor Fidel Castro for giving political asylum to convicted cop-killer Joanne Chesimard? If Rudd shows up in your town, consider attending and asking him some of these questions.
Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. - For updates, please use the contact form at Visit Cliff Kincaid's website at