How Orwellian Can Things Get?By Phil Perkins June 15, 2009We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No we didn't light it But we tried to fight it -Billy Joel, "We Didn't Start the Fire" Billy Joel's Grammy-winning hit of the late '80s was a catchy little tune for those who might remember it. Around the above chorus were sandwiched a litany of famous people and events of the Baby Boom generation (with a liberal's typically negative slant), and then the chorus which basically absolves the Baby Boomers of any responsibility for it. Maybe that's one reason the song became so popular, besides the tune and the beat. It so perfectly captured the dominant philosophy of my generation: Hey, stuff (more likely the S-word) happens, and we're powerless in the end to do anything about it. So just go along for the ride and hope for the best, and always be ready to blame others for your problems. The Obama Administration is providing a new litany of people and events about which future generations may pen songs of lament; yet he still sports a 60-plus percent approval rating. How can this be? I can't help thinking that the mindset captured in Billy Joel's song has something, maybe a lot to do with where we are today as a society in America. As Chris Adamo so brilliantly writes this week about the needless dissension in the Republican Party, this pointless bickering is occurring at a time of the ripest opportunity for a conservative alternative since the Carter-Reagan days. Unfortunately, the outrages foisted upon us by the Obama Administration far outweigh anything the hapless peanut farmer did, and there's no courageous Reagan-like figure on the horizon who is willing and able to communicate the depth of ruination into which this president is "leading" us, along with an articulation of the conservative principles that could lead us out of the morass. Those who would take charge of what is left of the GOP would rather subscribe to the Billy Joel mentality of going along, getting along, and hoping for the best. So, here's a litany of just a snapshot of the Orwellian madness this administration has already unleashed, for all of you doubters and would-be Republican leaders out there. Reading rights to terrorists, But no rights to unborn babes, Climate scam, hands of ham Taking over GM and banks, Car dealers take it on the shanks, Beauty queen title stripped away, Just because she's not pro-gay, Nationalized health care on the way, What more do I have to say? Palin ripped but there's no rue, Libs tell us with faces blue, Conservatives need to get a clue, It's on Letterman so that's OK, What more do I have to say? We didn't start the fire, But we let it burn bright While it smoked freedom's light, We didn't start the fire, But we surely sat back While they elected Barack. I know, there's no Pulitzer Prize in my future for poetry. But the point is that it's time to wake up and fight the madness while we still can. Don't buy the lie that we're powerless to stop it or that it's not that big of a deal. Any of the above litany items is a huge deal in itself, let alone the sum total of them. Looking for something concrete to do about it? Stop watching Letterman for starters, and write the president of CBS entertainment to tell them why. Then move on to something bigger, like supporting a worthy candidate tangibly or running for office yourself. We can all contribute something, and the sum of the contributions will far outweigh the simple addition of the individual parts.