Silent ScandalsBy Nancy Morgan June 29, 2009Most Americans love a good scandal. Schadenfreude, the taking of pleasure from the misfortunes of others, is a basic element of human nature. Granted, not the prettiest, but nonetheless, there is something deeply satisfying about seeing the mighty brought low, the arrogant humbled and the wrongdoer getting his just dessert. A reminder to us all that misfortune is not ours alone. Mainstream media obliges and indulges this base emotion, as ever more 'news' concentrates on he said, she said imbroglios. Ratings soar as the latest Palin/Letterman twist is breathlessly reported. Internet news providers join in by posting the most lurid and shocking aberrations of the unlucky few who had the misfortune to get caught in what the media decide is a "scandal." Oddly enough, despite the guaranteed ratings that accompany most scandals, the media are choosing to ignore what many consider major scandals - or would consider major scandals if they were actually reported. But they're not. The media, working in tandem with liberals, oops, progressives, now decide which scandals get coverage, raising the question, 'Is it still a scandal if its not reported?' Inquiring minds want to know. In just the last month, an unusual number of what were formerly regarded as scandals went unnoticed and largely unreported by the old media, to wit: Obama recently fired an Inspector General of Americorps, giving him one hour to resign or be fired. This, in direct contradiction to legislation Obama co-sponsored as Senator, requiring 30 day notice and an explanation. Obama, after railing at Fox News for their audacity in pointing this out, declared that he didn't fire Gerald Walpin because he was investigating a friend and contributor of Obama. No, he was firing him because the Inspector General was "confused and disoriented." Needless to say, if Obama took the time to personally fire everyone who was 'confused and disoriented,' he'd start with his own press secretary and then go on to, well, I digress. Despite the numerous and ongoing media stories regarding former President Bush's perfectly legal firing of US attorneys years ago, the media, with a handful of exceptions, have decided not to report that Obama's firing of Gerald Walpin was not an isolated incident. Two other IGs have been dismissed in the past two weeks. The media have ignored this alarming trend, focusing instead on Donald Trump's firing of Miss California. Moving on... Monica Conyers, the former president pro tem of the Detroit city council and wife of longtime Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) received a letter Tuesday indicating a pending indictment from federal authorities on corruption-related charges. Yawn. Good thing it wasn't Newt Gingrich's wife. News briefly surfaced that Senator Dick Durbin, after a closed door meeting with the Federal Reserve right before the economic crash, quickly cashed out his stock holdings, raising the question of insider trading. A question which will most likely go unanswered. Martha Stewart must be fuming. A report detailing how UN workers are actually stealing food from the starving people for whom it was intended and selling it on the black market was merely a blip on the radar. The UN said it had no idea that the food wasn't getting to the starving people of Somalia until shown pictures of UN-packaged goods on sale. Yawn. Likewise a report detailing about $55 billion worth of fraud to date in the handling of the so-called stimulus funds went virtually unreported. Billions of our tax dollars, down a black hole. A non-event. And remember 'Cold Cash' Jefferson? The Democrat caught with a cool $90,000 in his freezer? He's currently on trial. The media have chosen not to cover the story. Moving on... What about Barney Frank? He blasted President Obama yesterday over a controversial anti-gay marriage court filing and is calling on the commander in chief to explain himself. Something Barney has yet to do when the rare reporter dares to question him about his role in promoting Fannie Mae, to the detriment of thousands of shareholders. (Or his earlier scandal, when it surfaced that his town home was being used as a gay cathouse by his boyfriend of the moment.) When's the last time you heard about the ACORN scandal? This organization, a recipient of our tax dollars, is under investigation for voter fraud. The media reporting to date would lead one to believe that it's all the fault of a few rogue employees, despite evidence to the contrary, which was reported only by Fox News. House Democrats just crushed a GOP amendment to cut funding to this scandalous organization. At the same time, they halted a GOP amendment to investigate Speaker Pelosi's claim that the CIA lied to her. Don't bother looking for this on the nightly news. The list goes on. Sen. Ronald Burris, caught on tape in a lie regarding his new Senate seat. Likewise down the memory hole are Charlie Rangel's tax 'misstatements,' Harry Reid's questionable land deal, and Obama's questionable land deal. Democrats, all. Oh, and let's not forget all the questions, unreported by the media, regarding why Obama has refused to release his birth certificate. Or his college transcripts. Here's another scandal. A huge scandal that affects each and every one of us. The media's selective reporting, and non-reporting, that has resulted in many Americans actually believing that the GOP is the party of scandal, the party of the ethically challenged. I find this scandalous. But then, I'm just an average American in flyover country, one of the peons the media is supposed to keep informed. The real scandal is: It's not a scandal if a Democrat does it, if it involves a progressive cause, or if the media decide not to report it. This effectively denies every American the right to enough information to make an informed decision. Yawn.
Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for