"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Thank-You, Fox News

August 31, 2009

Thank you, Fox News. Thank you for reporting the news other networks ignore. Thanks for not condescending to the great unwashed by informing us how we should think on a given subject.

Thank you for not adopting the patronizing, elitist attitudes that have become de rigueur on most other networks. Thank you for recognizing that Americans have the right to information from both sides of the aisle and are fully capable of making up their own minds on issues, given enough facts.

Thanks, Fox, for actually questioning the incessant spin coming from Camp Obama. No one else is. If not for your reporting, most Americans would still be unaware of the depth of 'change' our president is proposing. Even though the old media succeeded in getting Obama elected, thanks to you, Americans are finally being given access to information they should have had before they voted. Better late than never.

Thank you, Fox, for caring more about journalism than about access to self-anointed elites, and cocktail party invites from the inside the beltway crowd. You have succeeded without giving in to the politically correct crowd. That's no mean feat. You have decided to play by the old, traditional rules instead of the oh, so fashionable, new improved ones the progressives have adopted. Very cool, guys. I know how hard it is these days to march to your own drummer instead of aligning yourself with the majority.

Thank you, FNC, for daring to veer from the decades old template by airing Glenn Beck during the news hour. And thank you, Glenn, for providing information no one else dares to report. You're the man, Glenn. The fact that you drive the left crazy means you're doing something right.

Thanks, Fox, for daring to be the first to actually report the conservative point of view without automatically assigning it to the fringe category. As a conservative columnist, I appreciate the risk you took. As an American, I'm tickled pink to see that it has paid off. The fact that your ratings continue to grow proves you are serving an untapped market.

The old media still hasn't realized this market exists. I predict they will continue to deny this market reality until they fold. Which should be pretty soon now, unless Obama succeeds in socializing the media.

Until you came along, Fox, conservative views were treated as invalid and unworthy of debate. Now you are setting the national debate and the other networks are being forced to follow along. Albeit, unwillingly. Happily, their sneering condescension is apparent to all and isn't scoring any points with the majority of Americans in fly-over country.

Until you came along, Fox, the old media was able to set the agenda. An agenda most now agree is based on emotion and ideology rather than facts. You've been the prime purveyor of essential facts, facts Americans need in order to make informed decisions. No wonder you're under attack - you are forcing Americans to confront reality, a reality that, until recently, the left was able to define. To America's detriment.

Thank you, Fox, for not treating me like a dummy. God bless you all and keep up the good work. You're the only major network that has enough sense, and enough faith in American citizens to allow them to interpret the news for themselves. And Shepard, I hear they have an opening at CNN.

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Copyright ©2009 Nancy Morgan

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com