He Had a Bad WeekBy Phil Perkins October 5, 2009Last week began with the revelation that school children are being taught to sing the praises of President Barack Hussein Obama..mmm..mmm..mmm. It ended with a scandalous presidential failure that might even give the schoolchildren pause about their singing. The president's monumental failure in securing even a second-round position for his home town of Chicago for the 2016 Olympics is a breathtaking waste of political capital from which even he may not recover—at least any time soon. He and the first lady's wholly unsuccessful lobbying tour to Copenhagen is raising serious questions about his political judgment, not to mention common sense. Obama's credibility has taken a hit that only his sycophants in the dinosaur media can match. At the same time, I feel badly that as an American I was virtually pulling for this to happen. But this president and his anti-American actions have apparently made many of us feel that way, and perhaps his multiple worldwide apologies about our various evils have had an unintended impact on some world leaders as well. Seems like his assumption that the world would love us again once he "rescued" us from the hated Bush has proven somewhat erroneous. There's a big difference between love and disrespect, and it appears that this presidency is harvesting far more of the latter than the former. And as if things weren't bad enough for the beleaguered president, his buddy Big Dave Letterman exposed himself (figuratively) as a serial fornicator and possibly adulterer with members of his staff as well as the victim of a blackmailer who knew of Letterman's philandering. This is the same Letterman who has ripped Sarah Palin and her family on a regular basis including speculation about a ballplayer having between-inning sex with Palin's underage daughter and cutting into Palin for her "slutty" way of dressing. If this isn't a classic case of liberal projection, then I don't know what is. But of course, the NOW machine will remain strangely silent about a guy who demeans women in more ways than we had imagined and may be guilty of sexual harassment in the workplace, the 21st century "thou shalt not" if ever there was one. It says a lot about where we are in America that Letterman seemed to anticipate that his audience would not tut-tut him when he revealed his misbehavior as if he were joking about the weather. And despite the many letters to the head of CBS entertainment (which I will write and hope you will too) urging that this liberal hack disguised as an entertainer be relieved of his duties, there's little doubt that Letterman's future as a late-night icon is secure, just as surely as the perennial candidate for "worst person on the planet" Keith Olbermann will keep showing up on NBC's Sunday Night Football. And when the Obama spin machine disguised as the mainstream media are through analyzing his Olympic failure for anything but what it really is, their hope is that Obama's shaky presidency will still be viable.