Five Reasons the Health Care Reform Bill is UnbiblicalMarch 29, 2010There are many Christians, especially Evangelical leader Jim Wallis, who are touting health care reform as biblically moral. This is despite the fact that health care reform comes straight out of the playbook of the Communist Manifesto. This is another power grab from an ever-growing government-controlled messianic state which brings our nation closer to socialism. Following are five reasons why I oppose the health care legislation that was recently signed into law: 1. This legislation increases the federal deficit and puts future generations in debt for decades to come. Proverbs 13:22 states: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” This legislation violates this biblical principle because of the incredible debt it will incur upon our future generations! Because of health care expansion our children will be paying higher taxes and will have less to leave to their children. To quote former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin from the New York Times on March 21, 2010: “If you strip out all the gimmicks and budgetary games and rework the calculus, a wholly different picture emerges: The health care reform legislation would raise, not lower, federal deficits, by $562 billion.” As the New York Post notes: “How could it be otherwise: No new government program ever reduces government spending, and this one was quite correctly being compared yesterday to the New Deal in its scope and reach.” 2. Our top political leaders ignored the will of the people. As Scripture teaches in Exodus 18:19-23 representative leadership for the people is chosen to settle disputes and ensure order and justice under God for a nation. Leaders representing our Constitution and Declaration of Independence are elected by the people and sworn to represent the will of the people. Not so with this health care process. To quote the New York post again: “That the Democrats had to struggle so hard to bring even their own into line demonstrated more clearly than any public-opinion poll the breadth of the public's disenchantment with Obama Care--if not with health-care reform itself.” Also: “The president noted that to better the lives of Americans, they laid their own political lives on the line. They rose, Obama said, ‘above the weight of our politics.’ In other words, many of them cast a vote in direct contravention to the will of the people who sent them to Washington.” Furthermore, not a single Republican supported this overhaul with 34 Democrats also opposed to it. This shows Obama’s promises of bipartisanship and centrist leadership are out the window. He has been forever exposed as a far-left liberal who is using his incredible political skills to impose his ideology on the people of this nation! Also, because this legislation violates state sovereignty ten states are bringing lawsuits against the federal government even before the new legislation goes into effect. 3. It does not truly protect from federally-funded abortions. Historically, both Jews and Christians have been pro-life. Infanticide and abortion violate both Judeo/Christian tradition and the Scriptures primarily because humans are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Regarding the health care vote and abortion: “Democrats sealed their majority yesterday with a characteristically farcical deal over abortion….The Senate bill provides federal funding for the procedure, in a departure from the long-standing prohibition of such funding under the Hyde Amendment. Pro-life Democrats led by Michigan's Rep. Bart Stupak didn't want to support the Senate bill without the Hyde-like restrictions that were in the version first passed the House. But they folded for a legally meaningless executive order purporting to preserve the status quo as defined by Hyde.” Regarding this meaningless executive order, even Planned Parenthood realizes that by keeping the Stupak abortion ban out of the bill they had obtained victory in spite of the executive order: “Planned Parenthood called the passage of the bill a ‘huge victory’ that would ‘significantly increase insurance coverage of reproductive health care, including family planning.’ ‘Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to keep the Stupak abortion ban out of the final legislation and President Obama did not include the Stupak language in his Executive Order,’ stated the organization.” The Family Research Council also realizes the consequences of a health care bill without the Stupak abortion ban: “This [executive] order would be worthless in the long run because it cannot trump statutory law. Even the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) appealed to Rep. Stupak to reject the compromise. Its legal experts were unanimously opposed. The executive order accepted by Stupak and his group is called meaningless in these articles because these kinds of orders can easily be rescinded by the current or any future president. This leaves wiggle room for federally-funded abortions to occur because this funding was never banned in the bill itself. 4. It was passed with backhanded deals and dishonesty. It is common knowledge that, since Obama’s presidency was on the line, he worked the phones while his team of administrative lawyers cut deals with many representatives that were using their votes as negotiating opportunities to advance their own political clout with sweetheart deals for their districts. Regarding honesty: “The bill won't reduce premiums and costs as Obama promises….As its tawdry fiscal tricks--double-counting revenue, keeping inconvenient new spending off the books, assuming unlikely Medicare savings--get exposed in the harsh light of reality, Obama's description of the bill as an indispensable deficit-reduction measure will look equally cynical and laughable.” This violates the scriptural principle of “walking in the light” as found in 1 John 1:5-7. In response someone might say to me “this is only politics.” My response is this: It may be merely politics but then don’t tell me it reflects Christian values both in process and in content! 5. It grants more power to the humanistic state. When any nation tries to provide for the needs of all people indiscriminately it eventually falls under the judgment of God as He allows that nation to become fiscally unsustainable. Scripture never teaches us to aid people indiscriminately. People who want God’s blessings of health need to keep covenant with Him. An overreaching health care plan such as the one recently signed into law attempts to bypass the law of sowing and reaping, in which God declares that an individual should only be able to receive from living an upright life, a commitment to excellence in their work, and from maintaining good relationships with their immediate family members and faith community, both of which formulate social networks that can economically support one another during hard times. The nation is now replacing the roles of God, families, and religious bodies all in the name of secular humanism. The only entity receiving accolades or praise in this arrangement is this same messianic state that has legalized abortion, promotes same-sex marriage, pushes evolution and atheism in its colleges, and basically leads judicially from the previous opinions of judges instead of the laws of God, which once served as the basis of laws for our nation. Furthermore, God has put strict limits on the authority of executive power and of the state as taught succinctly in 1 Samuel 8:10-18, especially regarding going to war and the extraction of taxes. (Extracting taxes of 10% or more is deemed biblically immoral in this passage because the tithe belongs to God to use for the propagation of His kingdom. Thus, the state has become a rival kingdom since many Americans are paying far more than 10% of their incomes toward taxes. The exceptions to this are those living on entitlements; a large percentage of these individuals receive more in entitlements than they pay out in taxes. For more on this point please refer to my article “Is Obama’s Health Care Plan Biblically Moral?”) The main question is this: Is health care the right of every individual? And if it is a human right, is it the responsibility of every citizen to support this right? This may not sound Christian but it needs to be said: Why should I pay more taxes to support the unhealthy, unholy lifestyles of individuals who engage in indiscriminate sex outside of the bounds of holy matrimony? Why should I pay tax money to support a person abusing their body with drugs and alcohol? Why should I pay tax dollars to support a person who overeats, drinks liters of soda every day, and lives on fast foods? Why should I pay tax dollars to support a person too lazy to get a good job, study hard to go to a good college, or manage their life priorities correctly? You get the picture. If a person is depending on God, family, and church for economic sustenance they would not be able to live hedonistically, satisfying every wit and whim of their flesh; they would have to exercise personal restraint and responsibility in order to survive.
Joseph Mattera has been in full-time church ministry since 1980 and is currently the Presiding Bishop of Christ Covenant Coalition and Overseeing Bishop of Resurrection Church in New York. He is also serving as the United States Ambassador for the International Coalition of Apostles, and as one of the founding presiding bishops of the International Communion of Evangelical Churches. Visit Dr. Joseph Mattera's website at