Dems Ignore Rules, Constitution, and the PeopleMarch 29, 2010Following the battle over Obamacare has been daunting and has left millions of Americans exasperated if not in shock. On the surface it looks like a victory for the Dems but, just under the surface is a festering if not slithering heap of lousy politics and dishonesty at the highest levels. Disregard for rules and procedure was the first thing to enter the sideshow that was Congress on the evening of Sunday March 21, 2010 and, nothing says it better than the clip of Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida who said of the rules, “We make up rules as we go along.” To some degree he is correct because both the House and Senate can make rules to some extent but they are not to conflict with common protocol and never to interfere with the Constitution. Alcee Hastings knows a bit about making up rules being the sixth federal judge to be impeached and removed from office for corruption. In 1981 Hastings was charged with accepting a whopping $150,000 bribe for handing down a light sentence to a defendant. It warms the cockles of our hearts to know that this is the sort of person who is in part making up the rules that will affect every man, woman and child in America in our future healthcare decisions; or the complete lack of them. The Constitution was the next guide to be disregarded and challenges to the bill will be forthwith without doubt. Leading off with questions about violating the 10th amendment, both politicians and state attorneys general will be hauling out volleys of questions about the bill. It may serve to stall or ensnare the bill at least for a time. That Americans can be forced to buy something by the government will be first question on the agenda. The most serious matter is the way the Congress ignored the will of the people by ramming this bill into law against all the vociferous cries of the voters. Here is where citizens will remember that besides being citizens they are after all still voters. The backlash will be felt across the states in November of 2010 and the power in both houses will shift as surely as the changing of the tide. Will this solve the problem, can the bill be repealed? This is America where anything is possible; but the deeper problems leading up to this congressional fiasco have never been addressed. The position of every preacher, prophet and seer across the land has been heard and largely ignored. It would be easy to say that being ignored is to be expected because only those with a hefty portion of moral and spiritual discernment are able to see the connection between a nation’s morality and its economy or its standing in the world. The short of it is simple. All scripture, all prophetic utterance and all apostolic guidance say the same thing. When a nation forgets God and starts a downward trek into unbridled concupiscence and immorality it will see its economy, power and standing in the world topple in equal and direct proportion to its moral declination. No one preacher made up these rules but no one, great or small, will escape these immutable laws of reciprocation. Now that immorality is being highly acclaimed as good entertainment, the gay agenda has top priority and the lives of the unborn are as cannon fodder for the lazy, selfish and morally bankrupt citizens who think it’s OK to play but not needful to pay; can they continue forever with complete impunity? The line was crossed long ago, the seeds have been planted, now we will all be subject to the simple but irreversible powers of the laws of reciprocation as in, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7) What would make even those who only tacitly assent to the laws of God think that he has any intention of guiding or blessing their economy or standing in the world? Wouldn’t it seem that we would be in line for a rebuke, a judgment or our own complete and utter demise? You be the judge. Almost four decades ago I received a prophetic message that in no uncertain terms spelled out the economic collapse of this nation. Touting and proclaiming this message just prior to and during the Reagonomic boom years was not easy. I was willing to say that something on the order of the stock market crash of 1929 would occur but with greater depth and longevity but I was always uncertain just how that would come about. While a crash isn’t ruled out completely, now with the failed stimulus bills, indiscriminate spending, joblessness and finally a health care bill this nation cannot afford to pay for, I see a portent greater than I could have imagined. I have seen and heard messages that even I thought sounded impossible, perhaps even absurd but when they unfolded I learned two invaluable lessons. First, I don’t need to know the details or the how and when of a matter. The second is that the end result is as sure as the rising of the sun. As always I realize I am speaking to people who struggle to see any connection between our personal collective behavior and the future general welfare of the nation. Knowing that few see this and, even fewer think God is that involved with such details gives me no freedom to be silent, nor does it give anyone else the freedom from culpability. God’s involvement in the affairs of a nation can come down to the smallest details of everyday life. When the prophet Ezekiel was sent to Israel to warn them that they had long passed over the mark they barely listened to him but in time they were escorted by their enemies to another land as prisoners and captives. Prior to that excursion they were chastised with calamities and a drying up of all their major resources right down to bread and water. They chose to ignore the warnings and before their bodies were removed against their will, their pride came down to the dust. It doesn’t need to happen to any nation that way; it can be completely avoided but, sadly, very often it is not: God help this country. This is what Ezekiel was told to say; this is exactly what happened. “Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight, and with care; and they shall drink water by measure, and with astonishment.” (Eze 4:16)
Michael Bresciani is the editor of since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani, along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, earning the site the title of "The Website for Insight." New American Prophet is listed as one of the 30 best Christian Magazines to follow. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at USA.Life, Twitter and Facebook. Visit Rev. Michael Bresciani's website at See more from Rev. Michael Bresciani at