"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Attacks on Arizona Are Attacks on America

May 10, 2010

Among the insightful guardrails established in the Constitution for the preservation of the United States, the requirement that the nation’s chief executive be a natural born citizen exhibited a keen understanding of the human condition. Though no single stipulation could provide absolute protection from the incursion of forces that may be unsympathetic or even hostile to the nation, the founders did their utmost to ensure that the succession of leaders would, as much as possible, have the interests of America at the forefront of their ambitions.

Thus it is that the current controversy over the actual birthplace of Barack Obama continues to effervesce among a major portion of the American public. With each passing day, Obama exhibits the very sort of antipathy towards the well being of this country and prospects for its future that would have greatly alarmed the Founders, and should likewise alarm any of their philosophical kindred in the present day.

It matters not a whit if the debate over Obama’s birthplace may be wholly unfounded. He could possess a portfolio of papers incontrovertibly proving that he was born in Hawaii, or even Des Moines, Iowa, yet it is blatantly obvious that his heart is neither with America nor of America. He holds the greatness of this nation in contempt, and instead identifies with those who seek to decimate or eradicate it as the geopolitical force and bastion that it has been.

No less could be said of the critical need for the preponderance of citizens who populate the country to likewise have an abiding bond to it. Admittedly, the influence of any particular individual, who does not occupy high public office, would not be as profound or long lasting as that of a malicious or corrupt president. However, the cumulative effect of a burgeoning segment of the population, holding no allegiance to the nation, no comprehension of its past, and no dedication to its future constitutes an encumbrance on that nation’s character and spirit that, over time, will prove unsustainable.

It is in this manner that the enormous invasion of illegal aliens, chiefly from Mexico, is overwhelming regarded with fear and trepidation by the majority of Americans. And, as history proves, such apprehensions are thoroughly justified. While the economic burden on the infrastructure of the country is itself enormous, the social impact of a separatist subculture eclipses all other considerations.

If America continues to lose the former national cohesiveness of a people who love their country, revere the principles on which it was founded, and are committed in their hearts to uphold such ideals, it will fracture and Balkanize. Rather than standing firm, as it has done in the past, against an often-hostile world as “E Pluribus Unum” (Out of many, one), it will degenerate into a hodgepodge of warring factions. And ultimately, it will cease to be the America of Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan.

The people of Arizona have witnessed just such a transmutation of their state in recent decades. And it was out of concern for this that they passed S.B. 1070, the “Arizona Immigration law.” Supported overwhelmingly by both the majority of Arizonans and the majority of Americans, despite the hysterical “news” coverage and misinformation campaigns aimed at destroying it, this bill simply codifies the proper action to be taken in dealing with illegal aliens caught in the act of committing other crimes. Hardly the Orwellian encroachment of a despotic government that its critics claim, it merely empowers the state to do the job that the Federal Government is already charged with doing, but refuses to do.

It may come as a surprise to the likes of Barack Obama and his minions on Capitol Hill, but the real and legitimate purpose of government is not to mismanage auto manufacturers and financial corporations or play bureaucratic games with the peoples’ personal medical conditions. Rather, the nation’s government ought to be about the business of establishing and maintaining a just and free society for its citizens, and protecting them, their possessions, and their livelihoods from all manner of threats and, in particular, those from without.

Yet Obama has too often actually taken sides with the enemies of America, both in their criticisms of it and their intentions to obliterate its national integrity and former greatness.

In typical Alinsky fashion, he has done so with great sanctimony, and a presumption of being on the moral “high ground,” an assertion that would be ridiculous were its lapse of patriotism and even common sense not so ominous. On April 24, the day after Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed S.B. 1070 into law, Barack Obama publicly stated that it “threatens to undermine the basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans.”

Consider the full ramifications of that outrageous statement. From his twisted perspective, protecting the interests of Americans who have seen their lives and property decimated by nothing less than an invasion of foreigners, within the boundaries of their own homeland, is somehow tantamount to a treasonous attack on the nation. In this spirit he has aligned himself with those who castigate the State of Arizona and seek to inflict retribution on it by denigrating its efforts and imposing economic penalties on it through boycotts of its goods and services.

But any who endorse such reprehensible behavior are making a grave miscalculation. Across the political spectrum and throughout the land, the overwhelming majority of Americans instinctively understands the stakes of this battle and stand with their fellow citizens in the great state of Arizona. If Arizona’s sovereignty as a state, and its ability to uphold its integrity as such, are henceforth unlawful, then no citizen in any state can hope to retain the constitutional guarantees of life, liberty, and property.

Obama may be publicly making the case that he attacks Arizona for the sake of America. But in reality he seeks to eventually demean and dissipate the essence of all America just as he is presently doing to Arizona. And it is high time for all Americans who have any intentions to pass on to their descendants the blessings of the nation bestowed to them, to tell Obama and his kind that “We the People” will protect America against all enemies, even including those from within.

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Copyright ©2010 Christopher G. Adamo

Christopher G. Adamo is a resident of southeastern Wyoming and has been involved in state and local politics for many years. He writes for several prominent conservative websites, and has written for regional and national magazines. He is currently the Chief Editorial Writer for The Proud Americans, an advocacy group for America’s seniors, and for all Americans. His contact information and article archives can be found at www.chrisadamo.com, and he can be followed on Twitter @CGAdamo.