Gloria Allred Should Be DisbarredBy Nancy Morgan October 11, 2010Media hound Gloria Allred should be disbarred. Representing an illegal immigrant who is a former housekeeper of Meg Whitman, who just happens to be running for Governor of California, Ms. Allred has taken to the airwaves in a blatant, if not illegal attempt to tar Meg Whitman with the label of liar just ahead of the California gubernatorial election. Ms. Allred appeared with her client Nicky Diaz Santillan on national television yesterday to show what a big meanie Meg Whitman is. With tears dripping down her cheeks and a quavering voice, Santillan detailed how (Republican) Meg Whitman abused her. She was actually forced to drive a car and allegedly Whitman refused to pay her overtime. Allred actually referred to her client as a modern day Rosa Parks - willing to risk deportation in order to expose the various injustices perpetrated upon her. "Americans appreciate the huge risks she is taking" Allred said. Huh? Gloria Allred has informed the nation that her client has entered this country illegally and has used a stolen social security number in order to obtain employment. In essence, Gloria Allred has exposed her client to deportation and/or jail time. Other illegal immigrants who have gone public for various reasons have eventually ended up deported. Allred has manufactured a reputation of being a 'woman's advocate.' She envisions herself as a protector of all women against the patriarchal system of old white men. Her reputation is a direct result of accepting only those cases which will guarantee her publicity. No matter how frivolous. I know this from personal knowledge, having done business with Allred's firm.
In her quest for yet another 15 minutes of fame, Allred has thrown her client under the bus. That is both illegal and unethical. And shameful. Unlike the liberal media, Mark Levin was not swayed by Allred's blatant attempt to turn her client into a cause celebre. Instead, Allred's points were totally demolished. And she was exposed for what she is - an aging progressive lawyer trying to reaffirm her ill-gotten reputation by using her own client to smear a conservative candidate. For shame.
Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for