"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Tough Day for the Left; Weiner Admits He Lied

June 13, 2011

After a little more than a week of claiming his Twitter account was hacked, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) admitted late last Monday at a press conference in New York that the underwear crotch shot was indeed his.

Weiner’s apology sent the left into a tizzy as they have been dutifully trying to defend the liberal Democrat by pointing the finger at conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart for faking the shot. This effort was led by none other than the liberal website the Daily Kos which posted this.

In the meantime Weiner didn’t help his cause when just a few days later he told NBC’s Luke Russert that he couldn’t say with “certitude” if the picture was of him.

Yet despite that ludicrous statement, his friends in the left-wing blogosphere stuck firmly behind him focusing their attention on Breitbart, who has earned the enmity of liberals for his involvement in the hidden camera work on ACORN, among other things.

Congressional Democrats waffled a bit on the issue, calling it a personal matter, which only seems to be the case when a sex scandal involves a Democrat.

But yesterday the liberal-left alliance started to crack after Weiner admitted that he had lied about sending the picture and was guilty of not only that, but also of inappropriate communication by email and cell phone with at least six women before and after his marriage.

This revelation was even too much for MSNBC’s Ed Schultz who said on his program last night that there is only one way to end this story and that is for Weiner to resign, and that he should “take one for the team.”

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, of all people, has called for an ethics investigation to see if Weiner broke any House rules.

MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow unveiled the “Post Bill Clinton Modern American Political Sex Scandal Consequence-O-Meter,” ranking politicians of all stripes on their legal problems versus their creepiness factor. Weiner ranks high on the creepiness scale as he should, but he still faces some legal hurdles after his admission yesterday.

The general consensus from the liberal-left is that Weiner should put this story behind him and spare the Democrats any more unwanted attention by resigning, but he is standing firm hoping that his liberal constituency will forgive him despite the revelation that he lied and subsequently betrayed the left when he apologized to Breitbart.

The liberals and the left have a problem. They have a U.S. Congressman who has admitted to sending a lewd picture to a young woman in Washington state even though he is married. He then lied about it for more than a week, finally admitting that he had lied once new pictures and other women were revealed, and the story spun out of control.

While ethically-challenged politicians aren’t exactly a rare species, both the nature of what Weiner did and the timing of it couldn’t have been worse for the Democrats who find themselves having to comment on this unseemly episode when they would prefer to spend their time bashing the Republican Medicare proposal.

As for the left-wing blogosphere, Weiner left them with egg all over their collective faces. Imagine the horror of actually having to admit that Andrew Breitbart was innocent of all of their smears and that they were wrong.

Even though the left was hung out to dry by Weiner, don’t expect them to admit this or apologize for leading their supporters astray, as many of them are as ethically challenged as the Congressman in question.

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Don Irvine is Chairman of Accuracy in Media. He is active on Facebook and Twitter. You can follow him @donirvine to read his latest thoughts.