Obama's Nice AttacksFebruary 4, 2008The mainstream media are trying to tell us that Senators Obama and Clinton are in a nasty fight for the Democrat presidential nomination. Perhaps that's true from the Clinton side, but Obama has been downright gentlemanly in his so-called "attacks." Is he afraid of what the Clinton machine might do to retaliate if he took the gloves off? An article on the recent debate noted that Obama argued for his candidacy by saying, "I respect Senator Clinton's record. I think it's a terrific record. But I also believe that the skills that I have are the ones that are needed right now to move the country forward." It would be interesting to know what Obama thought was so "terrific" about Mrs. Clinton's grand adventure in the Senate. Could it be her flip-flop on supporting the war in Iraq? Or that other flip-flop about whether driver's licenses for illegal aliens were such a good idea? Even he has had no trouble bringing those issues to voters' attention. Besides those two items and a continuous verbal spew of Bush-bashing, what of any distinction has come within light years of "terrific?" What is it that compelled Obama to be this polite to his opponent, especially when said opponent's husband has been anything but polite to him? Understandably, Obama may be making nice in front of the cameras to point out that he has a modicum of class and integrity that his opponent sorely lacks. But when he allows the Clintons to distort his record such as they did with some of his "present" votes while in the Illinois senate, that's not smart politics. He not only needs to firmly set the record straight on such distortions, he also needs to not be afraid to tell voters to "consider the source" of such allegations. Maybe it would be beneath him to point out, true as it is, that you know a Clinton is lying when their lips are moving. Fine, then have one of your minions do the dirty work. But make no mistake, Senator Obama-the Clintons play dirty and play for keeps, and making nice is a sure way for your candidacy to fail. Obama has no trouble going into attack mode on Senator McCain, whom he must believe will be his likely opponent in the general election. However, that's a classic case of putting the cart before the horse. And if Obama believes that by making nice to Hillary he can ensure himself a spot on the ticket if she wins the nomination, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell him. She will coldly and calculatingly select the running mate that gives her the best chance to win-period. And chances are, Obama will not be that choice.