"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

West’s Winter of Discontent, The Arab Spring and The Summer from Hell

October 24, 2011

From the beginning God has used man’s voice above all else to provide a revelation of himself and his will. That he warns them ahead of his biggest changes is in keeping with his love, mercy and justice. Springing up on someone to cut them down without warning is surprise, not justice; even if they are deserving of it.

The ancient Prophet Amos declared that God would not do anything without fair warning “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3: 7) How does God choose these prophets and who are they?

Debate on who was the greatest of the Old Testament prophets has continued for centuries but it is clear that God’s greatest prophets are yet to come. In fact the scriptures devote an entire chapter to describing the message and ministry of the two most powerful prophets of all time, both which may be alive today but as yet are not revealed. (Rev 11:1f)

That other prophets will arise prior to the Revelation eleven’s prophets is a foregone because of the clear promise of Joel 2: 28-29. It includes children, old men and women. That this prophecy itself is not describing just the two of Revelation eleven is seen in the fact that three categories named are already one more than the number of prophets in Revelation eleven. After using simple math the Bible has many other proofs which confirm that God is far from finished in sending his trumpeters and messengers to a lost and dying world.

There is a long list of preachers, evangelists, laymen, average men and women, and today even some children that could be called prophets. They are scripturally grounded, Spirit filled and chosen by one single factor known as the sovereignty of God.

They are not always well known people with huge public ministries, writers of books or pastors of churches. While the list does include such people it is not limited to them. It is not a place anyone chooses to go to on their own, no one is self appointed.

He will call some who are obscure and unknown from every walk of life. They may exceed to become great speakers, writers or laborers in their own specific ministries or just influence a small circle of people. In turn, it may be one of their converts which will rise to notoriety or become better known.

They will ignore every false voice from liberal academia to the ranting of the pseudo-scientist. They will not regard the well parsed, pundits or plebes of the lame, left and fully loused body politic nor the warp and warble of the literary rags that only offer twisted reasoning or raucous, rotten and rancid rap. That would include every internet website birthed of demon oracles, human pride and error. The messengers decrying this wickedness will be present to see the creators, purveyors and supporters of the same, flee to the mountains at the face of the Redeemer the prophets have served.

Both the warned and the warn-ees will envision the millions of chemically burned, smothered crushed, carved and bloody bodies of humanity’s own kind cast into containers and waste buckets like common refuse and carried away from the sight of their own murderers for a profit. Over 53 million bloody memories will flash before their eyes as they seek the comfort and fortitude of mountains and caves.

They will see visions of every debauch and demon driven perversity that was touted as the rite of passage to anyone called adult.  But rocks and mountains will make for a poor covering to a God who sees through both heart and mighty mountain, and weighs the actions, thoughts, acts and intentions of all men. It will be neither revenge nor vengeful in its aspect but only the immutable law of reciprocation at last come to exact her just fee and fine.

But what is the message and why now? Here is where the rubber comes down to meet the road. This is more than the preaching of commandments and morality, this is the last day’s message that is the most urgent of all messages preached from the beginning of time. These are the messages about the closing door of time as we know it.

The Autumn of Fading Truth: Autumn can be associated with maturity or decay depending on the context in which it is used. As it is used here, we are definitely speaking of decay. The autumn we are describing here began at about the close of World War Two and is now about to reach its heights. The wind is about to blow away every semblance and evidence of all that has decayed in our world and leave the nations barren and void.

It is an autumn where falsehoods were spawned in record numbers; some haphazardly and others more deliberately and systematically. The two greatest lies of this generation are without doubt the theory of evolution and the false promise of unlimited interstellar space travel for mankind’s intrusion into the heavens. They are the greatest lies because in terms of the damage they have created in the psyche of man, they have together, effectively knocked out accountability to God in two well placed punches.

Evolution has now been challenged by creation science which instead of being compared and examined in an honest open forum has been side stepped, refused and battled against. Secular evolution has gained its momentum and cannot be stopped but it will hit a solid wall of reality at the second coming of Christ.

Interstellar space travel is a pipe dream that denies that man has been given dominion over only one planet, even its effort to hold hope alive by reverting to the mostly theoretic meanderings of quantum physics, it denies that quantum mechanics is as close to the spiritual claims of the Bible and the nature of God (Omnipresence) as anything man has yet discovered.   Science, so close but yet so far away.

The West’s Winter of Discontent: Could it be that the riots across Europe, the bloody slaughter of Syria’s own citizens, the upheavals in Libya and now the potential of a bursting bombshell here in our own ‘Occupy’ demonstrations, are the predicted birth pangs Jesus so carefully warned about?

The purposes of Occupy are both ill defined and highly suspect making them seem more like the riling, rousting and rallying of a mob of simply discontented people who after a generation of measured Godlessness are evidence that life without the living God will always lead to emptiness and a final rebellion against any authority, real or perceived. They are proof that anarchy is all that’s left to a Godless generation.

Under the banner of wealth distribution, stopping selfish corporate greed, repealing unfair laws and ending economic disparity, the complainers and whiners are a generation of disgruntled, spoiled, sottish and drugged Americans who actually have come to believe that the world does indeed, owe them something, just for being here.

They are worlds removed from the noble words of John F. Kennedy who at his inaugural address of January 20, 1961 said, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country” If Kennedy’s words spoken at the beginning of their own generation, are unknown or no longer revered, we may safely conclude that these nascent disciples of the economic equality movement know little about Benjamin Franklin’s sage words. Franklin said, “Content, makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor.”

The Arab Spring: Under France’s Deauville initiative the G-8 has just devised a way to give $80 billion to the Muslim Brotherhood as long as they agree to bring about democratic reforms. Even as Salafi jihadists have gunned down and hacked to death over 30 Coptic Christians in Egypt during the first weeks of October 2011.

Even the usually aloof New York Times has indicated doubt that the Muslim Brotherhood has any possibility of turning democratic. In the NY Times Sunday Review an article by Vali Nasr, published August 27, 2011 says “There are no recent examples of extended power-sharing or peaceful transitions to democracy in the Arab world. When dictatorships crack, budding democracies are more than likely to be greeted by violence and paralysis. Sectarian divisions — the bane of many Middle Eastern societies — will then emerge, as competing groups settle old scores and vie for power.”

As in “you have got to be kidding” new evidence is emerging that ties the Muslim Brotherhood to the ‘Occupy Orlando’ movement. General dissatisfaction with everything is fast becoming a worldwide brotherhood of discontent.

Only Bible prophecy actually knows exactly how the Arab Spring will end. It is not a pretty picture. The bulk of Arab males will assemble under a leader from the north, (Russia) and rally many of the world’s 1.2 billion Muslims from countries like Libya, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia just to name a few, where they will begin an invasion against Israel that will end in direct intervention by God and, will end with the complete destruction of those allied for this purpose. These events are meticulously outlined between the 37th to the 39th chapters of the prophet Ezekiel.

The Summer from Hell: It will forever amaze me that for some people telling what God has revealed to you is always interpreted to mean that your are trying to alter their personal viewpoint of all things, or that you have some idea of gain or, some hidden agenda with which you plan to subdue them, take something from them, and then run away.

What is here is about to change its shape and form on a worldwide scale. The summer from hell is the nearing of final events and a judgment promised by God’s prophets since the beginning of time!

I saw the events of the second coming in a vision over 35 years ago and the question it first raised in my thinking was, why now, why would these events be shown in detail if they were for a time in a an unspecified number of years into the future. The reason fed back to me by the giver of the vision was simply, they are not for the long distant future, they are for this generation.

The turbulence and change you see in our world today are the birth pains of a change that will be almost as hard to believe as some people still think the gospel is hard to believe. It will end with a world ruler like nothing we have ever seen.

He will speak of love and brotherhood but has no real love for anyone but himself. He will change the times and the seasons, the culture, the economy and the religions of the world to his own liking and untold numbers of people will blindly follow him to the bitter end.

Now there are those who are reporting that the shaky economy of the EU, is proof that the union will fail and that antichrist could not possibly emerge from a broken coalition. I’d love to just say ‘wise up’ and bring this article to a conclusion but I would be remiss.

In fact it is out of the economic confusion that the antichrist finds his vehicle to rise to power. He will curb and divert the economic collapse with an economic system of his own and for a time it will work like a well oiled machine. Attached to that recovery will come other changes that will cause everyone to decide once and for all whether they will follow him or not. He is the great dividing line placed in time to bring the end times into place. He is the impetus and single most important factor in the final harvesting of the souls of the earth.

The details are known and available to anyone who wants to know them with the exception of the very hour or moment of time in which the Lord will appear to stop it. How bad will it be? I’ll let the Lord answer that for me. When Christ spoke of those times he said “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” (Mt 24: 22)

Almost no one, even among the unbelievers, has not at some time heard the great parable of the lost sheep. Christ tells of a shepherd who has a hundred sheep but realizes that one has strayed away. He leaves the flock and searches for the lost sheep until he finds it. The parable is seen in Matthew’s gospel 18: 12-14, but the one verse that leaps out at the reader may be one of the most important verses in the entire Bible and in the entire study of second coming doctrine.

It answers not just the question of, ‘why’ but rather it answers just ‘what’ the whole matter is really about. Here’s the clue, it is about you!

“Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” (Mt 18: 14)

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Copyright ©2011 Rev. Michael Bresciani

Michael Bresciani is the editor of new.americanprophet.org since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani, along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, earning the site the title of "The Website for Insight." New American Prophet is listed as one of the 30 best Christian Magazines to follow. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at USA.Life, Twitter and Facebook.

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