"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Penn State Scandal another Sign of our Times

November 21, 2011

"For children to take morality seriously, they must be in the presence of adults who take morality seriously. And with their own eyes they must see adults take morality seriously."
— William Bennett

It didn't start with our generation. From the Garden of Eden sin has been our downfall. But when it comes to sexual sin, we have invented excuses for aberrations our ancestors would have called by their proper names — even as they were engaging in them.

Such is the case with homosexuality. Our era is awash in it. Images of it. Tales of it. Excuses for it. Tolerance of it. Acceptance of it. Promotion of it. We lie to ourselves that it is normal. We lie to our children that it is not deviant. Our society listens to the philosophy of organizations like the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) as it advocates criminal concepts such as homosexual "love" between adult men and young boys. Thanks to that great guardian of morality, President Bill Clinton, we even have an associate justice filling a lifetime appointment on the United States Supreme Court who agrees with them. Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote many years before her nomination to the High Court that the age of consent should be reduced to twelve.

And now we are shocked — shocked, I tell you! — to discover that there is pedophilia going on in America. We have found it in the Catholic Church, with priests molesting young boys. We have seen it among teachers in public schools. And now we find that it has been going on at a renowned public university.

In the case of the Penn State scandal, set aside for a moment the facts of who knew what when and who reported which acts to what authority and whether they did enough. Obviously, the only person who did more than he should have is Jerry Sandusky, the pervert who apparently was allowed to continue his escapades, possibly for years.

Instead, consider the fact that almost every one of these types of cases involves men with boys. Yes, yes, I know, there is the occasional youngish female high school teacher having sex with one of her male students, or the sporadic scandal of the male teacher who takes his pregnant student to Planned Parenthood to abort the evidence of his molestation. But these are the anomalies that prove the rule. And they seem to inevitably be with members of the opposite sex who are very nearly of age. They rarely seem to be with young children.

Because Alfred Kinsey included male prison populations in his flawed studies, honest modern social scientists have debunked his lies stating that ten percent of the population is homosexual. The real number is perhaps two or three percent. But let us assume for a moment that Kinsey's outlandish numbers are correct. Shouldn't we logically find that 90 percent of pedophilia is heterosexual in nature? And yet, we don't. Why?

I believe it is because those who practice homosexuality derive their identity from their deviant sex lives. It is their identity. Their literature, their art, their friendships, their complete personality comes from their behavior in the bedroom. It consumes them. The Bible says they "burn" for one another.

No one wants to say this in polite society anymore, for fear of being labeled "homophobic," but there was a time when rational men and women understood that the reason homosexual men sodomize young boys is because they have already given themselves over to a depravity that creates the desire for ever more depraved behavior. Therefore, to enter the realm of pedophilia with young boys is just another step along the road of sexual degeneracy.

As Bill Bennett so accurately stated it, children must be in the presence of adults who take morality seriously. Apparently, everyone in authority at Penn State — including Coach Joe Paterno — failed to fulfill that role model. But then, so has our society.

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Copyright ©2011 Doug Patton

Doug Patton describes himself as a recovering political speechwriter who agrees with himself more often than not. His weekly columns are syndicated by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate. Readers are encouraged to email him at dpatton@cagle.comand/or to follow him on Twitter at @Doug_Patton.