New Book Casts Doubt on Obama’s Christian IdentityMay 28, 2012The liberal media have harangued figures such as Franklin Graham when they have refused to state categorically that Barack Obama is a Christian. Now comes author Edward Klein telling Sean Hannity that Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of United Church of Christ in Chicago, told him that he “made it comfortable” for Obama to accept Christianity “without having to renounce his Islamic background.” All of this is consistent with our point, made in 2010, that Muslims could join Wright’s church without giving up their Muslim faith. And while Obama accepted Christianity, in the sense of calling himself a Christian, there is no evidence that he was ever officially baptized into Wright’s church. We pointed out that Obama’s claim about his own baptism, as reported in his second memoir, The Audacity of Hope, is subject to interpretation because of the lack of detail about how and when he was baptized and by whom. Edward Klein’s unauthorized biography of Barack Obama, The Amateur: Barack Obama in The White House (Regnery) has generated some criticism from the right for badly mangling the facts about Obama and infanticide. The book is also being strongly attacked by the Soros-funded media machine as a “smear.” But he has the goods on Obama—in the form of tape-recorded conversations with Wright, who is spilling the beans on Obama’s “conversion.” Sean Hannity’s website has posted some of the blockbuster Klein-Wright tapes. Janet Maslin of The New York Times calls the book “skimpy, bitter,” but does not dispute the statements from Wright. Instead, she dismisses them, saying that “any biographical subject has bitter ex-friends and associates. And if they feel snubbed enough, they will talk.” She writes, “The Rev. Jeremiah Wright asserted to Mr. Klein that during the last presidential election he was offered a bribe by the Obama camp, a payoff to stop speaking in public. Mr. Wright also says that even when Mr. Obama made this request directly, he would not cooperate. Among the reasons: he had speaking engagements scheduled, a family to support and college tuitions to pay.” There is no reason, however, for Wright not to talk openly and honestly about his conversations with Obama when he wanted to join Wright’s church. As we have pointed out in the past, Obama acknowledges in Dreams from My Father that his grandfather was a Muslim (page 104) and that he spent two years in a Muslim school in Indonesia studying the Koran (page 154). In The Audacity of Hope, he says (page 204) that “my father had been raised a Muslim” but that by the time he met his mother, his father was a “confirmed atheist.” His stepfather was not particularly religious and his mother professed “secularism,” Obama wrote (pages 204-205), but as a child he went to a “predominantly Muslim school,” after being first sent to a Catholic school. His mother, he said, was concerned about him learning math, not religion. According to Klein’s book, Wright told Obama, “Well, you already know the Muslim piece of your background. You studied Islam, didn’t you?” Obama replied, “Yeah, Rev, I studied Islam. But help me understand Christianity, because I already know Islam.” Asked if he converted Obama from Islam to Christianity, Wright said, “That’s hard to tell. I think I convinced him that it was okay for him to make a choice in terms of who he believed Jesus is. And I told him it was really okay and not a putdown of the Muslim part of his family or his Muslim friends.” The phrase “That’s hard to tell” is mind-boggling, in view of Obama’s claim to be a practicing Christian. When Obama’s statements as President are examined, we find something else curious. The Koran teaches that Jesus was not divine. Obama, in his Easter message this year, spoke of Jesus as “a son of God,” not “the Son of God,” which is what the Christian faith teaches in John 3:16-18. Obama’s statements about the importance of Islam are so numerous that they have been put into a video with over six million views titled “Obama Admits He Is A Muslim.” The video concludes with film of the 9/11 attacks and the quotation “…I am one of them,” as if Obama admitted being a Muslim. But Obama’s statement, “…I am one of them,” is taken from an Obama quotation shown earlier in the video, in which he says, “Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country—I know, because I am one of them.” The video has been picked apart by critics, who also note that it leaves out instances in which he calls himself a Christian. But Wright’s words to Edward Klein are enough to raise the controversy all over again. As for Wright, author Ed Klein notes his “Marxist ideology” and says that “Wright’s influence on Obama was unrivaled for more than twenty years,” the time when Obama attended Wright’s church. However, when he writes about Wright being Obama’s “substitute father, life coach, and political inspiration wrapped into one package,” he is missing one step in the process. Obama’s first substitute father was Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, who was Obama’s mentor during Obama’s teenage years in Hawaii. As the result of this omission, Klein’s book ultimately fails the test of completely explaining Obama. The public will be able to fill the gap when Paul Kengor’s book, The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, the Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, comes out in July. As we have pointed out before, the Obama campaign apparatus, which has claimed Obama is a baptized Christian, also asserted that the mysterious “Frank” in Obama’s book, Dreams from My Father, was just a black civil rights activist. We know better. The ruse is over.
Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. - For updates, please use the contact form at Visit Cliff Kincaid's website at