Sources Say...the Dirt on Barack ObamaBy J.J. Jackson August 20, 2012So, Obama and his surrogates are out there hurling accusations. No, I’m not surprised. As much as I don’t like Mitt Romney as a candidate, even I have to defend him when the crap starts getting tossed around by monkeys, otherwise known as liberals, having a fit. Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for the last decade? Even though we have tax returns for some of those years that prove otherwise? Mitt Romney killed a steel worker’s wife because a steel company Bain Capital invested in didn’t make it and he lost his health insurance? Even though Romney was nowhere near the company at the time? Even though one of Barack Obama’s main bundlers was in charge of Bain Capital at the time? And even though it is a fact that the man’s wife had health insurance through her own job for many years following the closure? So, I thought that it was time to fight fire with fire. All of the following things I have to tell you are true. They have been told to me as facts about Barack Obama. Now, I understand that you might not believe any of the things that I am about to divulge. Some of them might even seem pretty amazing. But rest assured, I have been guaranteed that they are all, 100% true from my super-secret sources. Of course, I have to protect my sources and not name them, the same way Harry Reid does. And I expect the same level of credibility be granted to me by the mainstream media as they do to any Obama minion hurling accusations.
Come on mainstream media! Why aren’t you all over these incriminating accusations and holding the President to account? What ever happened to the “seriousness of the charge” excuse? Oh, that’s right; it only matters when it isn’t a liberal blowhard who is trying to destroy America in the crosshairs!
J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the Pittsburgh Conservative Examiner for He is also the owner of The Right Things - Conservative T-shirts & Gifts. His weekly commentary along with exclusives not available anywhere else can be found at Liberty Reborn.