Obama And Our Gold, Perfect TogetherMay 13, 2013Don't ignore history, my patriot brothers and sisters, because it does repeat itself. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Executive Order 6102 Of April 5, 1933 authorized the confiscation of personally owned gold. Do we forget so easily that American freedoms were always under attack, by The Progressives, since our conception as a free Nation? It wasn't any different in 1933 and it’s not any different now 2013 in the twenty first century under the leadership of Barack Hussein Obama?? Remember during part of Roosevelt’s term in office, The United States Of America, including the world were experiencing and living the hardships of the Great Depression. Today we are re-living this same roller coast of economic deficiencies, affecting our day to day living, diminishing our quality of life. Roosevelt added more government controlled social programs and so is Barack Obama. Roosevelt assumed the role as champion for the little man; the less fortunate that couldn’t survive without government intervention, especially after retirement, but proved to be a hindrance towards humanity and an enemy of the these people, as Barack Obama. Roosevelt’s policies were an abomination, such as the original, not present, Social Security Act, which with all intentional purposes seemed to come to the aid of individuals that had nothing after retirement, but continued employment to survive but it was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He had an unscrupulous alterative motive behind this program? Social Security was initially established as a good thing. Unfortunately, as everything that seems too good to be true, this certainly fit the description. The fact was no one lived long enough to collect this Government Pension Plan that was limited to only factory workers and other business employees. There was one glitch, anyone who lived during this time period, and actually had the privileged of living to 65 years of age to collection, was a miracle from God? A small percentage actually saw a government Social Security check? So this was just another well planned and developed scheme of adding and collecting additional tax revenue. Even though it was a Republican, President Dwight D. Eisenhower who expanded the program, by opening enrollment up to millions, including an increased support for Americans with disabilities, which were all those who had the misfortune of being permanently ill or physically disabled. He also signed the Agricultural Act and the Social Security Amendments Act which also increased enrollment. Don’t forget this isn’t an entitlement, but a paid into plan. Obama has followed in his footsteps, creating his owned forced mandate called Obamacare, just another form of forced taxation, with very few reaping the awards. Are we so naïve as to think Obama will stop there? The Roosevelt Administration was only the beginning of government interference and involvement which established a federal intervention of dependency and intrusion. Roosevelt didn’t want to stop there, at his January 11, 1944 State of the Union address he endorsed and recommended that the United States needed a second Bill of Rights, called an “economic bill of rights, which guaranteed, a job with a living wage, freedom from unfair competition and monopolies, a home, medical care, education, and recreation. This sounds all too familiar with the same Socialist demands and rhetoric of our President, Barrack Hussein Obama, “The Chosen One” and his miserable Administration of Liberal Marxist Democrats of social rejects and misfits. Some of them even want to incorporate this second Bill of Rights, as did Roosevelt into our Constitution. So beware and warned. Didn’t Obama himself once state that the Constitution was an inconvenience and a roadblock to his agenda, Hail to the King? Both Roosevelt as well as Obama is placed on a pedestal, while history and the lapdog media will write lies on their accomplishments and burring their mistruths, sellouts, inefficiencies and incompetence. Both of them could do no wrong, both of them have that regal appearance of conceited flair with self appointed and recognized royalty and both have Marxist/Socialistic tendencies and ideologies? Don't be fooled? Do you actually trust that your gold or life savings are safe under Barack Hussein Obama? Do you actually believe that with gold prices escalating to historic prices that this Administration, who models themselves after Roosevelt hasn’t entertained a form of this Socialistic Executive Order geared to endorse this thievery? Even though in 1977 Congress removed the president’s authority to regulate gold transactions during a period of national emergency other than war. Don’t forget HR 4310 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, which re-enforces Obama’s authority to and do everything and anything in the name of National Security including confiscation. Are we so ignorant that we do not read all the warning signs? Are we are so ignorant towards true comprehension of our American History? Were we so brain washed as to believe that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a great leader? Look how he gave away Eastern Europe to Stalin and Communist Russia, until they were freed by our greatest Conservative President Ronald Reagan! Obama is on this same course of American/World destruction of Economical/Social Resources. Don’t trust him or his Administration. Wake up my Patriot Americans before the devil strikes! Internet Link: