Stop Gun ControlJune 3, 2013It's unfortunate that when a needless, senseless tragedy happens to anyone, anytime or anyplace that involves a gun, the Progressives come out or the woodwork, ready willing and able to violate the United States Constitution and our rights as American citizens. The banning of weapons will not deter violence. It will not keep the guns off the street, nor will it stop murder or crime. It will definitely not keep guns out of the hands of the deviant sadist and thieves who prey on the innocent. It will not guarantee safety and security, but it will leave us sitting ducks to all those cowardly barbarians, obviously enhancing their immoral control over our lives. While the Progressives try to idiotically attempt to confiscate weapons from the hands of law abiding citizens and illegally issuing them into the hands of the unholy and unscrupulous, they're freely giving them a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card,” for their hideous behavior into abusing the innocent and the unprotected. Let's put it this way - if you had to rely on the authorities and your local police departments to protect you in time of an emergency situation, especially when an animal is attempting to break into your home, threatening and violating your home, life, family and property, then you might as well help them load your belongings into their truck and when they're finished, dig a grave for yourself and your family. You're at their mercy which is meaningless. History has proven with undisputed evidences that 911 calls are so inept with so many time consuming questions that they can't possibly provide help in time to save your life. Remember how well "Prohibition" worked in America? There were more drunks and crime. Alcohol was flowing like Niagara Falls. It stopped nothing. It created organized crime networks and criminal empires. It brought to power famous bootleggers with unlimited profit and power such as the notorious Al Capone from Chicago. This scenario can happen to anyone, no one is safe from the Government! You're sound asleep, awakened by a thump outside your bedroom door. You hear multiple sounds and voices coming from unfamiliar persons, and they're coming towards your room. Fearing for your and your family's life you reach down beside your bed and pick up your shotgun and load it without hesitation. Then you open the door and see two intruders, possibly having weapons in their possession. The invaders see you and walk towards you, their hands are holding something and they're not saying a word. Self-defense and self-preservation immediately kick in and instinct takes over leaving you with no alternative but to shoot. The blast knocks both thugs to the floor. You then pick up the telephone and call the police stating it's an emergency and you need help fast. Your country has these ludicrous laws that outlawed legitimate gun ownership for years, and you have this strong premonition that you are definitely in trouble, because yours of course wasn't registered, during this attempted robbery and possible assault or murder. Police arrive and inform you that one of the burglars has died and arrest you for Murder in the first Degree. When you talk to your attorney, he tells you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the case down to manslaughter. "What kind of sentence will I get?" you ask. "Only ten-to-fifteen years," he replies, as if that's nothing. "Behave yourself, and you'll be out in seven." The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the local newspaper. Somehow, you're portrayed as an unstable coo-coo bird while the two men you shot are represented as choirboys. Buried deep down into the article, authorities acknowledge that both so-called poor "victims" have been arrested numerous times. The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into heavenly saints. Your attorney compounds your plight by notifying you that the surviving thief and the family of the deceased are planning to sue you and will probably win their civil suit against you. The media publishes bogus reports that your home has been burglarized in the past and you were very critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects. The district attorney and prosecutors portray you as a mean, uncompassionate vicious murderer full of anger and hate, unmercifully ambushing the alleged burglars, with no conscience. Like most political hacks, full of self-serving vanity, they never let a tragedy go to waste, by using you as a political pawn to advance their own career aspirations. A few months later, you go to trial. The charges were reduced, as predicted, but when you take the stand, your anger towards the system prevails your logic, further weakening your defense. It doesn't take long for the jury to convict you of all charges. On April, 2000, the judge sentences you to life in prison. Did you possibly think that this was a fictional story with fictional actors? On the contrary – it is a true story that happened to a law abiding, property owning citizen in Great Britain. This is documented. On August 22, 1999, when Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk, England was victimized by a run-away government. When did it become a crime to defend one's own life in England? Think this can't happen in the United States? Wel,l it's happening today and more frequently than you realize. President Samuel Adams and one of our founding fathers wrote, “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.” The British Government basically knew they were rapidly losing the ability to protect its citizens so in order to save face, and to secure their powers, they incrementally over the years took away most gun rights, the notion that a citizen had the right to be armed for self-defense became an act of vigilantism. The British authorities refused to grant gun licenses to any individual threatened, claiming that self-defense was no longer considered a reason to own a gun. Citizens who shot burglars or robbers or rapists were charged while the real criminals were released. Doesn't this sound familiar here in the United States? Police later bragged that they'd taken a record number of legal handguns from private citizens. How did the authorities know who had handguns? The guns had been registered and licensed. Don't we have the same system here, including the "Gun Buy Back Program," where our cities and municipalities buy guns from their citizens? Don't allow them any bogus justifications to violate our Second Amendment Right guaranteed to us by our forefathers, written in our United States Constitution! Write, phone, e-mail, sign petitions, don't back down, use any and all forms of peaceful protests and objections against gun control. The Second Amendment must always be upheld and never compromised!