Moral Relativism and Freedom Don't MixBy Phil Perkins March 10, 2008Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. With each passing day in this post-modern age of ours, these words of one of our Founding Fathers ring truer than ever. It's increasingly clear that our elitist leaders' desire to remove God from the public square has created a sort of societal chaos where the next senseless act of violence or crooked political act is always just around the corner. As our society has drifted away from acknowledging God as the source of our blessings and liberty, so too have we as a nation drifted from the magnificence of our founding documents. Opining that the Constitution is a "living document," as today's liberals do to justify their desire to tinker with it, is an insult to the authors of the document. This nation was founded on certain immutable principles-life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the government's role as a promoter but not sole provider of the general welfare, and so on. The early immigrants who came to our shores, for the most part, already had an appreciation for America as a land of opportunity. Thus they had little resistance to adapting to the American way of life, which included learning the language, obeying the laws, and finding productive work to support themselves and their families. Somehow in the last generation or two, all of this has been turned on its head. Now, we increasingly need to bend our national values to the desires of those immigrants who do not wish to conform to what has been the American way of life. Obviously when this happens, the "American way" becomes more and more diluted and disparaged as hopelessly "nativist" and out of date. On a larger scale, our national identity and values are threatened by treaties masquerading as simple "agreements" such as the agreements that are being worked behind closed doors to create a North American Union. Incremental change, the kind liberals have pushed on us for years, is most insidious because it sneaks up on the general public. Suddenly one day people awaken and realize they're living in a totally different world than the one in which they grew up. By then, it may be too late to reverse the damage done. Since history, and U.S. history in particular, is so utterly disregarded these days, people are ignorant of a disturbing sequence regarding free peoples through the ages. The sequence of nations, as observed by Alexander Tyler in 1750, follows a predictable pattern "from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependence back again into bondage." By any objective measure, the U.S. is well into the complacency phase and perhaps into apathy and even dependence at the same time. It could well be that Ronald Reagan is the last president in our lifetimes who cherished the founding documents, honored the men who created them, and tried to steer the nation back to its Constitutional roots. The recent death of William F. Buckley, Jr., the modern father of conservatism, puts a metaphorical exclamation point on what could be the end of the conservative movement as a significant force in American politics. Liberals know that if they can shut down conservative talk radio via reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine, the Republican establishment will have neither the political will nor the desire to defend what has been the party's base. When the point is reached where the Republican presidential candidate apologizes for a talk show host's use of a Democrat opponent's middle name, that should tell you all you need to know about the party's willingness to stand up for itself, let alone for conservative values that the "mainstream" media have ridiculed for years. Dependency, apathy, and complacency simply don't mix with conservative values. This country was built on the hard work and sacrifice of millions of people; back then, those looking for the easy way out were rightly disdained as the slackers they were. Now, people become celebrities who have never performed an honest day's work and, in a perverse way, they are admired for that. The U.S. is behaving like the prodigal son who has blown the inheritance his father and generations before him worked so hard to attain. The question is, will the multitudes of prodigals in the U.S., like the biblical one, come to their senses or not? Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.