How Will the Dems Spin Their Way out of This One?March 10, 2008As the primary season continues, it's becoming clear that the Democrats may be facing their worst nightmare-reaching their convention in Denver without a clear-cut nominee. However, their win-at-all-costs mentality may prevent an anticipated total meltdown from occurring. Already, we're hearing trial balloons about how Senator Clinton-who will go to any lengths to get the prize-will find a way to steal the nomination from Senator Obama while making a backroom deal with him to accept the number two spot on the ticket. If anyone can pull this double-dealing steal off with minimal fallout, it's the Clinton machine. Don't bet against them in such a scenario. A reasonable assumption is that Obama will go into the convention with a lead in both popular vote and delegate count-except, of course, for those oft-mentioned "super" delegates whom Hillary covets. The wild card that could hurt Obama before then is the Michigan and Florida situation. The question looming before the Democrats is whether these renegade states that broke the rules with their early primaries merit a "do-over" primary. If it's decided that they do, then Hillary will count on her liberal "sister," Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, and the large Hispanic population in Florida, to deliver both of these delegate-rich states to her. And it may just happen; after all, the Dems are all about expediency and "fairness." These things will outweigh breaking the rules, no matter what Howard the Scream Dean may say. The point is this: it's too soon to begin gleefully rubbing our hands together anticipating a Democrat collapse in Denver. In fact, the worst case scenario is that Obama accepts the backroom offer and he and Hillary leave the convention hand-in-hand, united in purpose and with the "mainstream" media solidly behind them. The drive-bys can even claim with a straight face that they've been tough on both candidates (which certain members like Tim Russert have been from time to time), thus allowing them to play softball with them during the campaign that really counts. John McCain had best not count on the Democrat Party to do his dirty work for him. As self-destructive as the Dems can be from time to time, their incompetence never seems to exceed Republican naïveté and overconfidence.