Remove the Blinders. We're already fighting WWIIIJune 30, 2014The elephant in the global room today is that we are now fighting World War III. It is not the “War on Terror.” Terror is a tactic. We are not at war with Al Queda, the Taliban, ISIS or even “extremists.” These are all politically correct obfuscations designed to keep Americans confused about who the enemy really is. It is Radical Islam, a fanatical religion as primitive as its 7th Century roots. If you don’t think we’re fighting World War III, think about when WWII started. Was it Pearl Harbor in 1941? No. Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939? Not really. Historians trace it to the one-sided Treaty of Versailles, signed after World War I in 1919. The treaty put Germany in such dire economic straits that Nazism arose. The Nazis began purging Jews in the early 1930s. That’s when World War II actually began. A hard date would be 10 November 1938 – when “Kristallnacht” occurred. Kristallnacht, or “Night of the Broken Glass,” was when Nazi paramilitary forces, called “SA,” destroyed Jewish shops and synagogues, murdered some 90 Jews, and imprisoned thousands more in concentration camps. Today, Radical Islam is conducting similar massacres daily in the Middle East, crucifying, shooting dead and beheading Christians, and killing Jews and even Muslims who disagree. World War III has been proceeding in earnest since the Syrian Civil War morphed from a sectarian struggle into one led by Radical Islam. And we’ve already had our Pearl Harbor (9/11) and Poland (Russia into Ukraine). We’re losing World War III. Radical Islam, in the form of various groups, is taking over a huge swath of the Middle East where it will train in secrecy its fighters, hone its war machine, and launch attacks Westward. If you are familiar with the Nazi concentration camps, imagine the horrors these hidden territories will hold. We’re losing for several main reasons: 1. Political correctness which keeps our real enemy invisible by describing it as pieces of the whole; ie, Al Queda, rather than Radical Islam. How can you kill a phantom? 2. Appeasement which stupidly assumes killers and bullies will back down if we make nice. Any schoolboy knows you’d better hit him and hit him hard. 3. An anti-military bias in the administration that is eliminating our ability to defeat the enemy. Don’t be fooled by the administration’s incessant use of the term “heroes,” which is vastly overused today. Obama doesn’t like the military; nor does he know what a real hero is. He considers the military basically full of brutes. He has no understanding of honor, courage, duty or country as held high by military tradition at West Point or Annapolis. He shuns that tradition. He is systematically purging needed warriors – men who step up in a fight - and replacing them with a Pentagon mainly of yes men who care first about their careers and little about duty, honor or courage. There is still an abundance of good men in the lower ranks of officers and enlisted but they cannot survive in the current anti-military, pro-social change climate. Aiding the administration as its mouthpiece is a mainstream press that largely does not understand or like the military. They see the need for help for a disabled vet but have only scorn for the inevitable mistakes and pressures of war, dictated by Congress – not the men who they send to fight – when bad things occur. Readiness and security mostly are anathema to the generation of journalists now in control who largely grew up as part of the anti-war movement, did not serve, and have little understanding of how fragile freedom is and how dependent it is on a strong military. They will spend months of news space on even the slightest hint of social injustice in the ranks but quickly bury as “politically motivated” outrage over the death of two courageous, selfless special forces vets in Benghazi. Political leaders in Washington say not a word about what is going on to keep the enemy hidden. More important to the Democrats is defending the administration – and their own power – regardless of the charade called “The War on Terrorism.” The Left, in general, cares little about the slaughter of Christians and Jews by Radical Islam, and excuses or ignores its persecution of Gays or Women. But let even a slip of the tongue regarding those issues occur here and they are screaming for punishment. Their distorted view of history and justice, and the education system, blinds them to the truth. There is also cowardice in their distortion. Radical Islam might retaliate. Republicans largely are the same. Few mention Radical Islam as the real enemy. Safe and secure in their Washington bubble why should they care? It will only bring the press down on them as racists and bigots, and, anyway, what’s the big deal? Most of them don’t see the threat. Ignoring our open borders, they think of it as far away. Why worry? How soon they forget. America thought much the same way in the early 1930s. Then Pearl Harbor got bombed. Luckily, the Japanese didn’t have the types of weapons Radical Islam has today (at least not at the beginning and with such access) – suicide bombers and diseased illegals who can pour through our open borders; fanatical, religious zeal, and Iran, on the verge of having nuclear weapons. There might even be a joining of disparate enemies against us as happened in WWII with Germany, Italy and Japan (China, North Korea and Cuba?) Weakness gathers the vultures. Until a global protest, a Christian woman, Miriam Ibrahim, and her 19-month old child, sat persecuted in a Radical Islamist jail, awaiting her hanging for not renouncing her faith. Her plight is similar to that of the Jews in 1930s Germany. Now her persecutors are marching on Baghdad, killing and imposing Shiria Law and getting rid of internal enemies, just as Hitler did to Ernst Rohm and the SA in the early 1930s. The SA, like the SS, Germany’s torturers, was part of Nazism. We were not at war with the SA or SS. They were part of the greater whole, Nazism. That’s the point. One of Radical Islam’s ISIS leaders, when stupidly let out of a Western jail, reportedly told his captors, “I’ll see you in New York.” He is fanatical. We are not. World War III may not be full blown yet. But it has already started. America had better wake up.
Robert K. Wilcox is an author, journalist and historian whose latest book is Target: Patton: The Plot to Assassinate Gen. George S. Patton.
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