A Solution to the Current CrisisMarch 17, 2008Contributed by a Concerned Citizen Solution to Gasoline Shortage and Iraq: Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use..... The best way to stop using so much gas is to deport 12 million illegal immigrants! That would be 12 million less people using our gas. The price of gas would come down..... Bring our troops home from Iraq to guard the Border.... When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Iraq... Tell him if he wants to come to America, he must serve a tour in the military... Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it... After his tour, allow him to become a citizen since he defended this country.... He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal citizen... This option will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for the troops in Iraq and the aliens trying to make a better life for themselves, while saving millions of gallons of gasoline... If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, but without the canteen, rifle or ammo... Problem solved.....