In honor of Ben Carson...October 19, 2015"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed." -Ben Carson In honor of Ben Carson’s above quotation, I would like to propose a toast: I would like to toast the many Jews who fought in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and to the thousands of Jewish partisan fighters of World War II. You did not fight in vain. You did not die in vain. By your bravery of armed resistance you helped prevent Hitler from accomplishing his goals. And to the Jews of the Sobibor extermination camp who rose up and did the best they could with only knives and axes. You too helped stop Hitler and his plan to kill all the Jews. All of you, by your fighting back, slowed down the Nazi death machine that annihilated thousands of Jews daily. If your contributions to the war effort shaved the length of the war by only a few days, you were responsible for saving multitudes. Had there been more guns available, and had the Jews of the Holocaust known for sure what Hitler had in store for them, no doubt there would have been more of you for me to toast today; no doubt the war would have ended earlier still; and Hitler’s goals more quickly thwarted.
Harold Witkov is a freelance writer in the Chicago area, who previously worked in textbook publishing and sales for more than 30 years. He began his freelance writing more than 15 years ago, specializing in inspirational and humorous first-person narratives. Among others, he has written for Science of Mind, Unity Magazine, Reunions Magazine and The Jewish Voice and Opinion. Harold Witkov's articles are widespread on the Internet. He has written for RenewAmerica, American Thinker, Right Wing News, and Enter Stage Right, just to name a few.