"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Threat of a New Dawn

February 6, 2017

They aren’t there by accident. They’re not spontaneously rushing the streets, and they aren’t all equally outraged to the point of feeling the desire to protest, riot, and cry.
More than Facebook, Twitter, and other social media have brought these Hillary voters to the streets to show disdain and hatred for President Donald Trump and his actions. What is it that speaks to the unemployed, the unwashed, and the misfits across the country? Money.
Liberal groups, including George Soros front groups, fund many of the individuals and organizations which are flooding our streets in their battles against civility, national security, and anyone who threatens their government handouts. While a direct line has not been connected to Soros, left-wing websites have advertised protest-for-pay “jobs,” including at President Trump’s inauguration.
Further, we know that Soros-backed organizations have paid protesters in the past, including in Ferguson, Missouri.
The question is “why?” Why is it worth it - tens of millions of dollars in costs - to oppose a newly minted president, especially a president who has shown - as a candidate - a propensity to get himself in trouble with both deed and word?
The answer is not to be found in the wisdom - or not - of applying a temporary ban on travel from certain nations; or the need - or not - of a wall to separate us from our southern neighbors; or the qualifications of any particular Cabinet or Supreme Court justice nominee.
The answer can be found in what was lost with the election of Donald Trump.
President Trump had to be stopped from gaining office because of what he could stop. Now that he is officially President of the United States, he has to be stopped because, as Soros and other movement liberals understand, President Trump will stop illegal immigration and slow down the flow of Middle East migration to America. Blocking these two rivers of migration into the US will end the liberal dream of a complete fundamental transformation of our country and assured Democrat Party domination into the foreseeable future.
Had Hillary Clinton won the election, illegal aliens would have continued to flood over our southern border and the spigot would have been turned on for the flow of Muslim invaders. The cultural change would have accelerated, and the Democrat Party would have welcomed many millions more eventual citizens - many of whom would be on the government dole and forever grateful to their new sponsors.
Once one person becomes legal in America, the process of bringing in that person’s family members is a matter of time.
Whether or not a particular Executive Order or Cabinet officer will be beneficial for America is irrelevant. What is relevant is that President Trump is shutting off the pipeline of future Democrat Party voters.
While the Republican Party Establishment too often sides with Democrats, hardcore liberals and leftists know Republicans cannot be trusted to keep open these floodgates for a sufficient length of time. At some point, the “average” Republican politician will change his mind and say “enough is enough,” turning off the inbound pipeline of human beings - people with no experience with liberties, the democratic process, wealth creation, or the foundational cultural ideals needed for the survival of a Western society.
Liberals cannot accept such an outcome. Like an old, tired vampire, they need fresh blood. They need more blood. To get that new blood in America, it is of no concern that actual blood will someday flow in the streets.
The election of Hillary Clinton was of monumental importance to modern liberalism, and liberals lost. Now, Hillary voters have hit the streets, in misplaced hope and in desperation.
The protesters and rioters have plenty of time on their hands. Unemployment has a way of breeding idleness. President Trump has stated that he wants to cut back on the various forms of welfare, which directly threatens the people protesting and rioting.
These protests and riots have been far too organized to have been sudden, organic responses to an “extreme” President. Organizers and many participants have financial backing and they are pawns. The dream of fundamental transformation, which would forever free socialists, fascists, and other statists from the cruel bonds of a Constitutional Republic, is fading as the night is about to give way to a new dawn. Our Republic enforces the Rule of Law, encourages knowledge, and practices liberty. This is anathema to the far left and to some liberals. For mainstream liberals, they simply want to wipe away Western institutions which inhibit their statist desires.
They were so close to eliminating such inconveniences. Now, all they have is their anger - and George Soros’ money.

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Brian W. Peterson has been a columnist for a mid-size California newspaper, is a veteran of political campaigns, and was a member of the publicly elected Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. His psychological thriller Dead Dreams and sci-fi adventure Children of the Sun are currently available through Amazon.com. You can follow Brian on Twitter @cybrpete.

Visit Brian W. Peterson's website at https://www.writtenbybwp.com/