Limbaugh Gets It - Is it Global Warming or is it Cooling?By Brent Smith June 5, 2017
Yesterday (5/31/17-?), Rush Limbaugh went off again over the myth of man-caused global warming and this bogus Paris Climate Accord. So serious is this, that Rush, a hardcore Trump supporter, said that if Trump signs onto the Paris Climate Agreement, he may dump Trump.
"It is crucial that the president not only not participate in this, he must actively withdraw from it...this is why the president — if he signs on to this, folks, I don’t know how I can continue to support him in other things," said Rush.
'Ditto' for me.
He mentioned as proof that global warming is a hoax, the fact that the leftist media switches every several years between catastrophic warming and cooling. He's right, although the cycle is actually between 30 and 40 years. And there is a cycle.
In fact, we have been warned of differing catastrophic climate change four times in just the past 120 or so years.
So let's hop into the way-back machine or maybe Doc's DeLorean. Let us take a journey in time via the irrefutable written record. Remember, if it's in print it must be true. I'll punch in the turn of the last century.
From the late 1800's through the 1920's Americans were convinced, via the print media, that we were heading for the next ICE AGE. Yes, Global Cooling! In 1895 the New York Times (the paper of record) wrote, “Geologists think the world may be frozen up again.” In 1912 the L.A. Times reported, “The fifth Ice Age is on the way.”Chicago Tribune, 1923: “Scientists say Arctic Ice will wipe out Canada all the way down to the Great Lakes.” 1924, New York Times: “Signs of a new Ice Age.” This reporting continued through the balance of the '20's.
A funny thing happened though. There was no Ice Age. After decades of dire warnings; nothing. Actually something did happen. Starting at the very end of the '20's there was no more talk of cooling. In just a few short years the nation's print media switched from Global Cooling to Global Warming. Back then, they didn't know to just call it climate change.
The warming fear started when in 1929 the L.A. Times exclaimed, “Geologists believe the world is growing warmer and will keep getting warmer.” Really?! Are these the same geologists that said the world would be frozen? This is the same paper that reported just 17 years earlier that we were heading into an Ice Age. You may be thinking that 17 years is a long time. Well, if you're 18, maybe it is. The earth, however, is 4.5 billion years old. Doesn't feel very long now, does it?
The other papers were a little slower to come around to this new global threat. In 1932 the A.P. reported, “The earth is growing steadily warmer.” Now the 1930's were the warmest decade in recent history. Apparently all it takes is a few years of hot weather. In '33 the New York Times reported, “The longest warm spell since 1776.” (We're not going back that far.)
There was even an Al Gore back then. His name was G.S. Callendar. He was English. He said the earth was heating up due to Carbon Dioxide emissions. Sounds eerily familiar. The year was 1938. The difference between him and our pal Al is that he thought it might be beneficial to man, not catastrophic. What a dope! But they didn't have slide shows or carbon credits back then. He could have made millions & had a private plane (no jets at the time). Just shows the progress that has been made in the field of propaganda.
Back to history: The warming reports continued all the way through the 1960's. But again, nothing!
Murmurs of the next shift back to Global Cooling started in the '50's but didn't get legs until the 1970's.
In 1970, the Washington Post wrote, “Dawn of a new Ice Age.” Time Magazine, the Post, even Fortune Magazine was warning of a new Ice Age.
These day's everyone hails Earth Day as a once-a-year anti-warming recognition affair. The truth is that in 1970 Earth Day began in the throws of a Global Cooling scare. 1974 & 1975 were big for the media cooling alarmists. A Science News cover proclaimed, “The Ice Age Cometh.” Newsweek's big 1975 article about the next Ice Age gave everyone a scare. Some scientists, it was reported, wanted to spread black soot on the Arctic Ice to melt (yes, I said melt) it. Time Magazine in 1974 wrote, "Another Ice Age?”
Brilliant scientists like Dr. Stephen Schneider penned articles of the dire consequences of Global Cooling. In 1972 he claimed, “A cooling trend has set in, perhaps akin to the Little Ice Age.” (Remember this guy; he'll show up again). 1975, New York Times: “Major cooling may be ahead.”
Well, that's enough of that. Time to switch gears, or maybe do another 180°.
In the 1980s the shift back to Global Warming began again. In 1981 the New York Times proclaimed, "That scientists are predicting global warming of an unprecedented magnitude." Just like the other scares, it took the pro-warming folks a while to ramp up the hysteria.
Remember the eminent climate scientist Dr. Stephen Schneider from the last Ice Age that didn't happen in the 1970s? Well, in 1989 he was quoted saying, “Global Warming is a scientific phenomenon beyond doubt.”
In 1991 Newsweek published a ridiculous report by the National Academy of Sciences on ways to fight Global Warming. Everything from Sun reflecting balloons to mirrors & lasers. 1992 was when the warming movement really took flight. Al Gore's first book was published. And so it began.
We all know what came next. Over the past decade or two the alarmists have become much more media savvy. They have many more venues than just newspapers & magazines. They now have radio, television and the Internet to spew their propaganda. They've all but wrapped up world governments demonstrated by scams such as the Kyoto Treaty and the aforementioned Paris Treaty.
In closing, let's have a GET REAL moment. As I stated earlier, the earth is about 4.5 billion (with a B) years old. How many times has the earth gone through these natural warming & cooling periods? How has man been responsible for all of them, or any of them? We've only been on the planet for a short period of time & we've been "trashing" it for a fraction of that. The earth doesn't need to be saved by us because we have done it no harm.
Brent Smith, "The Common Constitutionalist," offers not just conservative commentary and analysis, but a blend of politics, history, arts, science, and humor. Whoever said conservatives aren’t funny? Yeah, I know…most people. Brent is a contributing writer for numerous online publications. When he is not burning the midnight oil writing his insightful commentaries, he is raising his two teenage sons to be patriots and Conservatives. Visit Brent Smith's website at