It’s Moving Day for SantaBy Brent Smith January 1, 2018
Global warming nuts are at it again, and this time they have attempted to co-opt Christmas, by telling us that Santa is a “Climate Refugee.”
I can think of no better way for radical leftists to celebrate the holiday than to scare the heck out of children. And not just any leftists, but trusted government leftists – because really – if you can’t trust your government to be honest with your kids, who can you trust. Am I right?
"There is no country on the planet that can walk away from the challenge and reality of climate change. And for our part, Canada will continue to fight for the global plan that has a realistic chance of countering it. We have a responsibility to future generations and we will uphold it,” the young and dashing Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, recently, told the United Nations General Assembly.
That September proclamation has now been followed by a warning to the world’s children, as a “Canadian government website claims that Santa Claus is relocating his workshop, elves, and reindeer to the South Pole to escape the effects of global warming.”
Isn’t that heartwarming for all the little girls and boys not to know where to send their letters next year? Santa Claus has become a “Climate Refugee.” Maybe he and the Mrs. will send everybody one of those change of address postcards in the coming months. Don’t forget to keep checking your mail little Johnny and Janey.
Let’s face it. The left is desperate, and every year that passes without any measurable warming sends them a bit further over the edge. So every year they must keep ramping up the horror.
The global warming industry is an industry just like any other. Put that way, it may the world’s largest industry. But instead of manufacturing iPhones or cars, they manufacture data and computer models. Or one might better describe them as more of a one trick pony, Hollywood studio. How many times can Hollywood make the same Friday the 13th movie? They keep ramping up the blood, gore, and shock, but it’s still the same old story.
The warming industry must also keep coming up with new ways to scare people and governments. But over the past several years they’ve been getting no traction.
For years, we on the right have been preaching that there has been no warming since 1998. But really, “since September 1994, the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s satellite temperature data has shown no statistically significant global warming trend.” That’s close to a quarter century.
Now, this Santa thing may all seem like a silly joke, but believe me, it’s far from it. The radicals at the U.N. are pushing their latest “soak the first world” agenda, and they are just fine with exploiting Santa Claus to support their insidious plot.
They are proposing to issue refugee visas to all who are displaced by the ravages of climate change – not just Kris Kringle. One might even consider this a shot across the bow of conservatives and nationalists. You had better pony up to stop global warming or your country will be invaded.
The U.N. deal is “expected to lead to the deployment of a global climate change refugee visa system that in the near future could help to more easily relocate individuals and corporations facing the impacts of climate change.” And I wonder where the U.N. might expect these “refugees” to “more easily relocate?” Can you say America and Europe?
They already have the treaty drafted. “A group of academics and advocates has spent the last two years proposing an entirely new [refugee] treaty, with new categories to cover those who are forcibly displaced, including by the ravages of climate change,” writes the New York Times.
Brent Smith, "The Common Constitutionalist," offers not just conservative commentary and analysis, but a blend of politics, history, arts, science, and humor. Whoever said conservatives aren’t funny? Yeah, I know…most people. Brent is a contributing writer for numerous online publications. When he is not burning the midnight oil writing his insightful commentaries, he is raising his two teenage sons to be patriots and Conservatives. Visit Brent Smith's website at