California History Textbooks Celebrate the LGBT MovementBy Brent Smith January 15, 2018![]()
So grades K-8 will now be learning alternative history, of all the significant achievements of America’s homosexuals and cross-dressers. As a parent, I can think of nothing more enlightening than to teach my five-year-old that Ralph down the street, who dresses like a woman, is historically significant.
California State Senator Mark Leno, who represents San Francisco (where else) says that “Most textbooks don’t include any historical information about the LGBT movement, which has great significance to both California and U.S. history. We are censoring the history lessons,” denying students “the facts of the struggle for equal rights.” Really – name three. And the annual gay-pride parade doesn’t count as being historically significant.
Coincidently, Leno is running for Mayor of San Francisco, but I’m sure this has nothing to do with his most recent push for LGBT significance. And last I checked, everyone in this country already has equal rights. Not special rights – just equal rights.
“Achievements of people who experience or express sexual desire for their own sex as well as those who do not conform to conventional gender norms are central to both United States history and culture,” writes the textbook publisher.
Is it just me? Am I missing something? How is any of this pertinent to historic achievement? Being homosexual isn’t a historic achievement, any more than a person being born without an arm. One could classify it as a birth defect, but it’s hardly historic.
Say you’re an astrophysicist who happens to discover the closest planet that appears to be habitable. It would be hailed as one of the greatest finds in modern history. You will be written about in history books. Oh, and you just happen to be homosexual. But does this matter? Of course not. Not in a sane world.
You made a discovery which could alter the trajectory of humankind. Who cares who you prefer to sleep with, or how you dress. Is it germane to the finding of a nearby habitable planet? Only if one is trying to score cheap political points or advance an agenda, is it relevant?
However, you know what definitely would be relevant? If we got to the point beyond exploration and reconnaissance of said planet and were ready to attempt colonization.
I wonder how many of those leftist panderers in the California State legislature or California School Board would insist on sending an all gay crew to colonize the new planet? I mean – it would be historic, would it not? A single generational historic failure.
Now suppose they did finally agree to the absurdity of their “all homosexual colonization plan.” Would they still insist that at least some homosexuals be included, thereby displacing other equally qualified heterosexual colonists, just to make a point? If so, to what end? So the homosexuals can sit back and watch the bloodlines of others live on through procreation, as they die off, one by one, relegated to the dustbin of history?
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