Have We Finally Found a Democrat Red Line?By Brent Smith July 2, 2018 Domestically, nothing was too radical – no line they wouldn’t cross. And dealing with spineless Republicans made it that much easier. But then a funny thing happened. Trump got elected and sent the left into a manic nosedive. From there, the rhetoric of the left just became more and more vitriolic. No low appeared too low for leftist politicians, pundits, or “journalists.” Then another funny thing happened. The illegal alien crossings began ramping up and we suddenly had an alien epidemic on the border. And the Dems finally had their issue. They figured with their mastery of heart-string tugging, they would force The Donald to hoist with his own petard. The left had the issue to bring the “hard-line,” anti-immigrant, jingoist leader to his knees. And for a while, it appeared to be working. But the left is nothing if not predictable. Trump didn’t cave as expected – like good Republicans should. He pushed back. Leftists can’t deal with push-back. It just makes them behave more radically unhinged. Exhibit A is Democrat Representative from California, Maxine Waters. Most have already been treated to her antics. She advocated for more of the same which was given to Sarah Sanders and Homeland Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. "Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents," Waters spewed. Then yet another funny thing happened. Some on the left appear to have found a red line they will not cross. And leading the new “red line” Democrat charge is none other than Nancy Pelosi. Now, in recent years, there has literally been no depth to which Nancy wouldn’t stoop to abuse the right – nothing she wouldn’t do, nothing she wouldn’t say. But Pelosi tweeted: "Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea." Calling Maxine’s statement “unacceptable” is as much a smack-down as one radical can give to another, but it was a smack-down nonetheless. So why suddenly put on the brakes? Could it be that the Dems are beginning to see the tide turning against them? Yep – they sure could, because it is. Even fellow radical leftist, New York Congressman Adriano Espaillat descended into his best politispeak when asked by CNN Morning Show Anchor, John Berman, if he thought what Waters said was acceptable. Although he didn’t condemn her, he sure didn’t defend her. It was easy to read between those lines. Heck – it was extraordinary enough for anyone at CNN to even question Waters’ actions. The left has been throwing out poll after poll showing that the America public is firmly behind the Dems on this issue and that the latest CBS poll shows that a full 48% of Americans favor keeping families together. What these leftists neglect to add is that the CBS poll goes on to show that the same 48%, a plurality for sure, “says that the United States government should ‘release the entire family back to their home country together.’” I was surprised by this as I too thought the Dems were winning on this. With the midterms looming ever closer, this has to be a gut-shot to the Dems who bet the farm on this “winning” issue. And this is a left-leaning CBS poll of 2063 adults. Imagine what the results would be from a real poll of likely voters. Yikes! Now suddenly they find themselves having to back-track and moderate their caustic-speak. Let’s just see how long this self-imposed Democrat red line of civility remains and how well they can keep their radicals in check.
![]() Visit Brent Smith's website at www.commonconstitutionalist.com