"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Republican Handicap

January 14, 2019

Before they begin Republicans are behind. Democrats have the megaphone of the media, academia, the popular culture, and many other advantages Republicans must overcome each day.

Few fair-minded individuals doubt there is a bias against conservatives by print media, all the networks, and social media.  These media portray Republicans as the uncaring Party of the rich even though it is the Democrats who make the more substantial donations to Wall Street. In addition, any anti-Trump information is touted and magnified by them. And not helpful is Google, Facebook, and Twitter who are all located on the liberal left coast and populated and managed by the young. In their technological playpen there, they disenfranchise us all by writing algorithms which reflect their liberal viewpoint.

In academia, tenured professors and administrators from the 60s take advantage of the blank slate of young students to install their own liberal bias. As a result, students become clueless about finance, history, or how the real world works. Tellingly, the National Association of Scholars could not find a single Republican with an exclusive appointment to fields like gender studies among 8,688 tenure-track professors at fifty-one top liberal-arts colleges.
In the popular culture personal values and personal responsibility have continually declined over the last fifty years. Liberals within it reduce what is moral by fragmenting every American’s sense of right and wrong, common sense and what is proper. LGBT promotes thirty-one sexes and insists we address each one properly.  Earlier Fox interviewed a fair-minded teacher who had been fired from his position because he failed to address a student with their required pronoun. What!  Republicans prefer to focus on the Constitution and what makes us all American.
But added to the above are even more entrenched handicaps.
The Democrat Party has an easier time recruiting candidates than Republicans do. Members of the Democrat Party love government so they have larger numbers of interested candidates available to recruit from. Republican Party members believe in limited government, tolerate it, but prefer to work in business so fewer good candidates make themselves available to run.
Democrats have a much easier time identifying and registering their voters. They need only to determine a voter’s color or sex as that fact alone indicates that a voter will vote for them: African American 90%; Hispanics 70%; and women 60%. Democrats can go to minority neighborhoods knowing that virtually every door they knock on will be a Democrat voter. Republicans have a more difficult job. They cannot easily tell who is a Republican and they often register Democrats.
And a Democrat has an easier time casting a vote also. Since they usually vote based on a candidate’s style, expending effort to learn the candidate’s position on issues is not necessary. If they like someone they vote for them. On the other hand, a Republican must often spend a great deal of time learning a candidate’s true beliefs to make sure they reflect their own values before making a decision. Supporting these different behaviors is the simple fact that liberals tend to be right-brained and captive to their feelings whereas Republicans are left brained and more quantitative and analytical.
Democrats also have the advantage of being able to appeal to voters' human weaknesses to obtain their votes. Their favorite approach is to create dependency by focusing on the immaturity of voters wanting stuff now.  Easy access to marijuana in many states is one illustration. These states ignore the science showing that it creates passivity and a host of other problems which we will soon see nationwide. On the contrary, Republicans appeal to an individual’s self-reliance, believing that welfare should be available only to those who cannot work. 
Republicans too lack the time that Democrats have to involve themselves in elective politics. Small business owners, who more often than not are Republicans, work night and day to survive a business even though the chance of long term survival is only twenty percent. Democrats through their Public Employee Unions and other unions have work rules allowing for an easy or shortened day and great vacations. And these Unions not surprisingly support Democrats and at election time provide workers to their party - not to Republicans.
Finally, Republicans seem to always to be on the defensive. It is Republicans who are always accused of being racist, sexist, or homophobic - or anything else. When have you heard a liberal being accused of the same?  Almost never. That defies probability and common sense. And of course, the accusations are almost always bogus.     
Knowing all of this we Republicans must simply work much harder to win elections. And we must strongly push back against everything seeming to be set in stone with an attitude that we will always “keep on a coming,” and prevail.

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Vern Wuensche grew up in the tiny farming community of McDade in central Texas. He obtained a BBA and MBA from the University of Texas and holds a CPA certificate. In 1975 he founded what is now Houston’s oldest residential construction company for 42 years. He wrote a book, Overcoming Legal Abuse as an American Entrepreneur, about the difficulty of starting and running a business without a properly functioning legal system. He is an Army veteran. An early marathoner, he ran the length of Galveston Island in the early 1970’s, continuing his distance running regularly all his life. He is a Christian who is serious about his faith. An Elder for twenty years, he has regularly attended Missouri Synod Lutheran churches all his life. 
But his passion has always been politics.  As a child, he hung bell-shaped door hangers on doors in McDade for Eisenhower in 1956. And since 1972 he has worked on campaigns of every type, attending 22 Republican state conventions, usually as a delegate. At the same time, he continually studied presidential politics. He ran for President in 2008 and 2012 placing seventh and tenth in the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary. Details of the races can be seen at http://www.voteforvern.com  His current long term project is the development of a Republican Farm Team. Anyone considering running as a Republican at any point in the future for any race should begin early, develop name identification and develop relationships with funders before they decide to run.  
Visit Vern Wuensche's website at www.VoteForVern.com/