"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Border Wars Plot to Destabilize and Transform America

February 18, 2019

The Center for a Secure Free Society held a news conference the other day about the roles of Russia, China, Venezuela, and other countries in flooding the U.S. with illegal aliens. Mario Duarte, Secretary of Strategic Intelligence for the Republic of Guatemala, spoke at the event, calling the caravans and their impact on U.S. border security the “weaponization” of refugees.

The term, “weaponization,” was also used by NATO's top commander in Europe, Philip Breedlove, to describe what the Russians and Syrians were doing in the Middle East with the Islamic refugees there. Germany’s Angela Merkel welcomed them, destabilizing Europe. Here, President Trump campaigned for office on the basis of stopping this flow into the U.S. Objectively speaking, Merkel and not Trump has been serving Russian interests.

The popular reality TV show, “Border Wars,” on the National Geographic Channel, captures the determined efforts of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, ICE, DEA, the U.S. Coast Guard and local law enforcement to keep our nation safe. They fight terrorism and apprehend drug smugglers. The process of intercepting people entering the United States illegally is another mission they have. These illegal aliens have become a weapon of war, just like in the Middle East. A Border Wall would be another line of defense.

Venezuela, Russia, and Cuba

Participants in the SFS news conference said the evidence shows that Venezuela, propped up by Russian and Cuban forces, and Chinese loans, have been financing the caravans, as part of a plan to destabilize the United States. The security experts also said Russia practices strategic deception. That is, they focus our attention on one thing when they are busy causing trouble somewhere else. Indeed, the weaponization of the refugees of Latin America can be seen as an explanation of Russia-gate – the idea that Trump was a Russian agent. It was a masterstroke by the Russians. The disinformation has led to almost two years’ worth of investigations, by a special counsel and Congress, into Trump’s political, personal, and business dealings. As all of this was unfolding, the Russians were up to no good south of our border, as thousands of illegal aliens have flooded our country, some marching in caravans. It has been Trump, the alleged Russian agent, who has pushed back against the Russian plan.  

Center for a Secure and Free Society (SFS) participants David Grantham, Director of Intelligence for the Tarrant County (Texas) Sheriff’s Office, and Joseph M. Humire, Executive Director of SFS, were reluctant to admit in interviews with this columnist that Russia-gate was a strategic deception operation. They did not want to admit what is now being reported openly by NBC News – that a two-year Senate intelligence committee investigation has uncovered no evidence of Trump conspiring with the Russians.

The Russia-gate investigations, including the one by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, have the earmarks of a Russian disinformation operation, carried forward by the Democratic Party, to divert the attention of our nation from what really matters – Russian meddling in Latin America. We know that Russia-gate was conceived in Russia, in the form of the fake Russian dossier on Trump, and was used by the losing political party in the 2016 presidential election as a means by which the Democrats intended to delegitimize Trump.

Except mainly for proceedings involving Trump friend Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi, and their possible connections to WikiLeaks, a Russian asset, it is apparent that Russia-gate prosecutor Mueller has come up empty on the issue of direct Russian influence on Trump. Still, whether WikiLeaks had Russian connections or not, the Democratic Party emails that were released were legitimate and newsworthy. They were embarrassing to the 2016 Hillary for president campaign. Mueller’s team also obtained a guilty plea from a Russian woman whose apparent purpose was to infiltrate the NRA. That’s interesting but hardly evidence of the Trump campaign working with Russia.  

One can now see that the impact of the investigations wasn’t to produce a case against Trump but divert attention from the real Russian plot to flood the U.S. with refugees after a period of destabilization south of our border. Remember that former President Barack Hussein Obama had been indifferent or even sympathetic to the plans by socialist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela to form an anti-American bloc in Latin America. Obama even recognized Communist Cuba, signaling acceptance of “socialism” by the United States.

Obama is the Russian Mole

If any U.S. president has been a Russian agent, it was Obama. He was raised and mentored by a Communist Party member, Frank Marshall Davis, and as president, he facilitated Russian and Communist operations throughout Latin America by treating Venezuela, Cuba, and Brazil as worthy experiments in socialism. It’s interesting to note that Marxist former presidents of Brazil Lula and Rousseff were allies of Obama but have since been impeached or thrown into prison. An anti-communist alliance of nations, including the U.S., Colombia, and now Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro, is making a mark. But in Venezuela itself, as a result of Obama’s policies, the only real “alternative” to Maduro, the successor to Chavez, is another socialist, Juan Guaido.

The lessons have to be clearly understood and the implications of what we know have to be stated in stark terms. One of the key players in Russia-gate was Obama’s CIA director John Brennan, who, interestingly enough, had voted for the Communist Party when it was funded by Moscow. Finding out how this security risk was hired by the CIA and how he became CIA director would go a long way toward understanding the nature of the Deep State and why Trump is today suspicious of findings from intelligence agencies such as the CIA.  

The Crisis in Latin America

History shows that at the same time that Russia-gate was unfolding, Russia, China, and Venezuela were causing trouble in Latin America, producing not only millions of refugees (3 million from Venezuela alone) but directing thousands of them in caravans on their way to the U.S. southern border. It was Trump, all along during this entire process, who was exposing and standing up to the real Russian plot to cause conflict and chaos in Latin America. While some of these migrants have sincere motives and seek a better life, Mario Duarte, Secretary of Strategic Intelligence for the Republic of Guatemala, cited evidence in his talk of how Islamic extremists are infiltrating the caravans. Has the FBI been paying attention to this? Or has it been too busy plotting to remove President Trump and sending a heavily-armed SWAT team to apprehend Roger Stone?

Trump, who has now gotten a deal for a little more than $1 billion for his Border Wall, after originally calling for $25 billion, has been targeted by America’s enemies, using our own media against him, in one of the greatest Russian deception operations of all time. His presidency hangs in the balance, along with the security and survival of the United States.

The Democrats, of course, had another motive for going along with the Russia-gate ploy. Their “Brown is the New White” political strategy involves bringing in more people from Latin America to vote for them in U.S. elections. By doing so, they diminish the importance and power of conservative voters. In this context, largely because of the impact of illegal immigration, California has become a socialist one-party state within the U.S. It’s a model for what they intend to do to America as a whole.

This was predicted back in 1962 by Karl Prussion, a former FBI informant, in his booklet,
“California Dynasty of Communism.” He wrote, “To all communists in the United States, California is the pilot area. The Golden State has been chosen to be the model Soviet state.”  

Of course, some Republicans and big Republican donors, such as the Koch Brothers, favor more immigrants as well – as a means by which Big Business obtains cheap labor. And with the failure by leaders of the Congressional Republicans and Democrats to deliver funds for a complete Border Wall in the latest deal, tens of millions more people will be coming. In fact, Gallup
reports that 42 million Latin Americans are ready to move to the U.S. permanently.

The Russians must be laughing themselves silly.  

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