"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Our National Crackpots Say There is No National Crisis! – Reprobation or Mental Illness?

April 1, 2019

How much can America take!
This week alone one gang member of MS-13 thugs stabbed a 16-yr-old boy 100 times and then proceeded to light him on fire. Just days after that scenario unfolded, in Bill De Blasio’s New York City, another illegal immigrant bit off the finger of an ICE officer.
Stories like these are daily fare even as tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are storming our southern border. The Congress and the Senate are in a perpetual freeze mode and do nothing, but buck the President’s efforts to get it all under control. Like children who see their parents arguing over who should be allowed to discipline them, the citizens of Central American countries are milking the division for all that its worth.
Obstructing the President is any political hack who hates Mr. Trump in either of the houses, led by Pelosi and Schumer. It is a politically motivated war whose greatest casualties are ordinary Americans and America’s economy.
We can only urge the President to keep up the fight until the sleeping (or the drunken) giant awakes to action.
While millions of snowflakes are distressed with smartphones glitches, traffic in cities, student exams, and various “micro-stresses” it seems that a few totally foreign elements, people, and ideologies have slipped in under the wire.
We have U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar insulting Jews, Michigan’s U.S. Rep Rashida Tlaib spouting raw hatred at the Prez and to take up the rear we have in New York’s 14th Congressional District, Representative Ocasio Cortez (AOC) who seems better suited to be playing a role as the empty-headed Olive Oil in a Popeye cartoon, spouting far-left fantasies faster than an F-18 jet.
As this sideshow circus tours the main stream media’s fake news circuit, Americans are dying at the border, in sanctuary cities, and abortion clinics, and we are draining our national wealth just to keep up.
America has become the land of absurdities and contradictions where the 'leaders' in some states think it’s just fine to murder a newborn baby under the guise of abortion law. Adding to that is the idea that even after 87,000 people lost their lives to radical Islamists in 2017-18 that any criticism of them is still called ‘Islamophobic.’
Have we entered a national crisis of collective mental disorders or is this the result of what the Bible calls reprobation?
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” (Ro 1: 28)
What follows this familiar Bible passage is a list of people and practices that would be hard to imagine even existing in the days the Bible was written. But today it seems like a list of 'who’s who among the far left,' Democrats, snowflakes, and malcontents in America.
While some still argue whether dispensational eschatology is to be believed, the events foretold are now a giant snowball rolling down time’s slippery slope toward society’s norms, mores, and nascent constructs with ultimate consequences that promise only disaster. (Ro 1: 28-32)
Absurd headlines, fake news, and judicial rulings that sound like they were generated in an insane asylum are becoming ordinary, check out just these few.
What has become abundantly clear to many is that it is not just our failure to heed the Bible warnings or the letter of the Constitution that threatens our future. It is our failure to discern the outcome of our own behaviors.
To put it simply - continued slaughter of the unborn in abortions, open borders, and socialism all spell much more than the end of America as we once knew it – it spells the end of America altogether.
We can’t always allow those who don’t belong here to fly across our borders, while at the same time we disallow those who do belong here by slaughtering them in our abortion clinics.
Can you say - "The end of a nation?"

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Michael Bresciani is the editor of new.americanprophet.org since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani, along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, earning the site the title of "The Website for Insight." New American Prophet is listed as one of the 30 best Christian Magazines to follow. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at USA.Life, Twitter and Facebook.

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See more from Rev. Michael Bresciani at ameripro2@att.net