More Proof That the "Mainstream Media" is Not Mainstream...and it has not been for years.By Ric Wasley April 13, 2020Despite the fact that the world is shut down and people's lives are disrupted, many in the so-called MSM choose not to report and publish what the President is doing to help the country. Instead, they continue to lie and twist the facts in their never-ending effort to bring down him down. As usual, rather than doing their jobs and reporting the news, they scramble to provide cover for the Democrat Pols trying to load bills designed to help US citizens and the economy. In typical fashion, the Dems under Pelosi and Schumer line each legitimate bill with their own selfish brand of political pork and new tricks to pave the way to increase their already shocking level of voter fraud - using mail-in ballots and multiple votes by non-citizens and their operatives. As Obama's former advisor Rahm Emanuel stated during the 2008 financial crisis and reprised while speaking on ABC’s This Week on Sunday while discussing the coronavirus pandemic, they continue to practice their motto: “Never let a crisis go to waste.” That, of course, has been the war-cry of the DNC and their media lapdogs for the past several decades. The only difference is that until they failed to get Hillary elected, the so-called ‘MSM' tried to be circumspect about their ties to the DNC and the radical left - and at least make some pretense that they were covering the news rather than pumping out propaganda. No more. Long before COVID-19, the MSM came down with a terminal case of TDS! And the current Trump Derangement Syndrome that now infects every word of their hysterical coverage proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is nothing ‘mainstream’ about them. They are not journalists, they have become partisans with press passes. So let’s be as honest with them as they have been with us by showing their true colors in their daily anti-Trump, anti-Conservative and quite frankly anti-American rants. They are not nor have they been for a long time, the “MSM, Mainstream Media” - they are the “LSM” - the “Left-Stream Media.” Technically, if their coverage is slanted to less than half of the country, then by what stretch of the imagination could they be called anything even close to ‘mainstream’? Not only are they are propagandists for the left and the DNC, but they also act as censors for everything conservative and actively suppress anything that makes Trump or America look good. That’s why now that the election is down to Trump vs. Biden. They are and will continue to be frantic to try to destroy Trump before he can get on the same debate stage with poor ol’ dopey Joe. Although they are very good at lying, they know the truth. Trump will mop the floor with Biden. Thus the COVID-19 must become another tool to try to derail the president. Any lies or distortions done in the name of that crusade is okay with the LSM. And if thousands of Americans die along the way due to their manipulation of the facts, in their minds it’s a small price to pay to put their Democrat masters back in power. Their hatred and lust for power run that deep. I have actually observed this in my daily dealing with the national media on a personal basis. As an author and columnist, as well as someone who spent 40-plus years working in the media, I have numerous contacts there. One is an editor of a major national news media outlet. Since the shock of Trump being elected over their choice of Hillary, I have watched him devolve from a journalist into a full-blown Trump-hating partisan who feels it’s his duty to lambast Trump, suppressing anything that might make him look good, and to promote the DNC, Left-Stream construct and propaganda. Perhaps what is saddest of all is that not only does he heap scorn and hatred on Trump but perhaps his most virulent contempt is reserved for the ‘ignorant, unwashed trailer park rubes’ who voted for him. Yes - he is an urban coastal elite who dislikes the second amendment, worships at the altar of PC, and had called the half of the country who voted for Trump and hold blue-collar jobs, “ignorant racist rednecks.” He even claims that most of the college-educated vote Democrat because only stupid people would vote for Trump. Therefore they must be “un-educated.” Yup…that's the way ‘liberal logic” (Yes - I know - that's an oxymoron) works. And what is saddest of all is that he can’t even see it. This is what the Left's TDS has done. They have turned their adherents into hysterical school children who can only express themselves with petty name-calling and stamping their feet. Here’s an example. As with all of the LSM, he despises Fox because they won’t fall in line with Democrat media. So while he constantly quotes CNN, the NYT, and the Washington Post, he refuses to source anything from Fox and daily emails me tirades castigating Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Tucker Carlson. Therefore I shouldn’t have been too surprised when a few weeks ago he fired off a gloating email to me sneering that Trish Reagan, who he knew I admired, had been fired from Fox for pushing back against the Left Stream narrative on the Coronavirus. What bothered me the most was not his gloating, because I’ve learned that’s what the Left does, but the fact that someone in a national news position could be so personally petty. He wrote: "Trish can now get a job more suited to her intelligence and talents...maybe a weather girl on a local TV news operation. Or working the counter at IHOP." To which I responded: "Wow…you’ve fallen to a new low - even for you. You now sound like a spiteful 12-year-old girl…" How can you deal with that kind of mindset, with that kind of spite, rage, and just plain malicious acrimony manifesting itself into that kind of childish Schadenfreude? I’m afraid the sad answer is that you can’t. You just have to accept that those on the left in all walks of life have moved so far away from basics of truth, freedom and fair play that we can’t look at them or even expect to communicate with them as we have in years past. We must accept they want a country that is in many ways the reverse image of the one that we grew up in and that has been the beacon of freedom and equal justice for the past two centuries. And just because Bernie has suspended his campaign, for now, it does not mean they are moving away from Venezuela-style socialism - far from it. Bernie said that that he will insist on their party incorporating his socialist agenda into the party platform. So the race to the left will only increase and harden within the Democrat party. Therefore, perhaps the most important thing to remember as we limp into the election season with the Dems pushing for mail-in ballots and non-citizen voting is this - everything that we see, hear, and read coming out of the majority of the media, is not news, facts, or by any stretch, even reporting. It is opinion, spin, and downright lies straight out of the DNC press releases. If you know anyone who relies on the DNC media cartel for their information and is not a willing and brain-washed partisan passenger of the Democrat ‘Crazy Train,’ be a good citizen, friend or relative. Gently and respectfully point out to them that they are not getting news but only the Left's brand of lies, half-truths, and disinformation from those outlets. And during this crisis, there is not just the danger of getting a warped perspective of what is happening but a real danger of harmful misinformation being disseminated by those unscrupulous enough to use a global tragedy to further their own warped and totalitarian political agenda. That is why we should once and for all cease to call these shameless propagandists the ‘Mainstream Media,’ and name them for what they truly are: The ‘Left-stream Media.’
Ric Wasley is a writer and lecturer, as well as the author of the popular McCarthy Mystery Series. Ric has had a 40 year professional career history in advertising, publishing and marketing in Boston, New York and San Francisco. He has degrees in history and psychology and has been trained in debating, public speaking and stage acting. A large part of his 40 year career was spent in numerous professional and business settings as a presenter and featured speaker at seminars and professional meetings. Ric has been a visiting professor at Worcester Polytech Institute. He also teaches a popular course on marketing for authors at prominent venues such as the venerable “Cape Cod Writers Conference.” Wasley has been involved in both print and broadcast media as well as writing for business and commercial markets for over 30 years and continues to consult for a major media company. In addition to his novels and short stories, he has been published in several literary magazines. Wasley currently divides his time between Boston and his home on Cape Cod where he continues to write, lecture and create worlds where the unexpected thrives.