"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Americanism vs Communism

The class liberals slept through

June 22, 2020

Americanism vs. Communism was the class that compared American freedoms against the totalitarian slavery of the Communist and Socialist police states. It was required in junior and senior high schools throughout the 1950s to the 1990s. The absence of this class is one of the reasons why most of the younger generations know nothing about the dangers of communism and socialism. The collapse of the USSR (Russia) in 1991 was used by many of the highly educated left-leaning educators as the reason to eliminate the class. This leaves the door wide open for the subtle indoctrination of students by the same left-leaning educators.

If there was ever a class that should be taught nation-wide on a mandatory basis, it is ‘Americanism vs. Communism.’ It is completely reasonable for Americanism to be taught, how the country came to be, and our history good and bad. The fundamental structure of how the U.S. government is supposed to work is showcased. As usual, you can expect many states that are run by the socialists in the Democrat Party will refuse to cooperate. As in the past, federal funds can be withheld until rogue states get the message.

The reason the leftist states operate as they do is because of the ignorance of the public. The Constitution and Bill of Rights, Civics must be taught to students in all grades from 1st grade through the university level. It is the foundation that our country has been built on, we can see the result of failing to teach the youth with today’s anarchy. The left has always criticized the founding fathers for not being perfect, therefore they should be ignored. First off, no one is perfect and that includes the leftists making the criticism.   

The failure to educate the youth and general public is why socialism has gained traction in our society. It has always been a fringe anarchist group that got its big push back in the 1920s from the Soviet Union which was pushing International Socialism. The indoctrination of socialism took hold in the liberal universities that have educated generations of teachers, this is why we have students who are ignorant of our history.

In many states, a teacher with conservative views can’t get hired. A relative of mine found that out in Massachusetts and had to go to a private school for employment. Teacher applicants had to answer questions the ‘left’ way and write an essay with a tilt to the left. Ever watch a teachers' protest where all are wearing red shirts, parading with raised clenched fists, shouting socialist slogans. These are the fools who are responsible for teaching the youth in our public school system.

A June 17, 2020, article by Caleb Parke of Fox News, indicated that some of the radical organizers of the group CHOP which is holding Seattle hostage were interviewed by Documentary Filmmaker Ami Horowitz. One of their leaders, Jaiden Grayson stated, “I’m here to disrupt until my demands are met, you cannot rebuild until you break it all the way down,” that they would not stop until their demands are met “by any means necessary.” Grayson wants the cops to turn in their badges, others want the prisons emptied, abolishing the police, the courts, and the justice system. Essentially, they don’t want any organization that holds people accountable for their bad behavior. It is a collection of dangerous idiots, Horowitz referred to the group as “a Confederacy of Dunces.” This is the result of the socialists operating in our education system.

On 16 June 2020, Sen. Tim Kane (D) of Virginia, proved the point of ignorance when he declared that slavery started in Virginia. He is either ignorant and doesn’t know or conveniently forgot, slaves were brought to North America, as slaves. First starting with the Spaniards, then the Dutch, and finally with the English. Virginia was an English Colony, governed by the English Crown which had legal slavery and indentured servitude. Sen. Kane is a classic example of what is wrong with the so-called Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party, which seems to be led by Socialists, the corrupt malcontents and fools who are set on the total destruction of the greatest country that has ever existed in the world. The only way to stop later generations from jumping down the same rabbit hole and buying into the lunacy of the left is education.

Gandhi said you must be the change you want to see in the world.

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I totally agree with Victor's comments. I took the 'Americanism vs Communism' in 9th grade, at Tyrone Jr High in St. Petersburg, FL, I think in 1962. That one course has stuck with me all these years. I heard Obama's comment about his changing America and his other one that has stuck with me, "You didn't make that...". I believe those two comments are fundamentally changing the working environment we see today. I'm still working full time in a grocery store deli at 75. It saddens me to see the attitude of our young people. Since COVID-19 and Biden's multiple handouts, people have become greedy with easy money. Businesses are being forced to raise their wages, to attract new hires, which in turn causes them to charge more for everything they either produce or sell. As one of the loyal essential workers who stayed during the shutdown, we are finally getting pay increases, but only because the new people are starting at a higher wage than our previous pay level. I am afraid many of the younger generation will be attracted to socialism because they have loss sight of the benefits of capitalism and our Freedom. Schools have gradually slid away from teaching Civics, America's history, Geography along with the basic reading, writing cursive and old fashion arithmetic. It is my opinion, if our Astronauts used common core math, they, if they could have taken off, would have been lost in space with the added intricacies with that stupid system. I feel sad for the future of America. Our American style of a Democratic Republic has allowed us 246 years of progress. I know of no type of Socialism nor Communism that can say the same!
Bob, Just now came across this and would like to provide you with many accolades for publishing this. My wife and I took this most important civics course in our senior year at Miami Senior High School in Miami Florida in 1968. My teacher was a retired Army officer and her teacher was a bleeding heart liberal. We did not realize how important this course was until we began paying attention to the direction of the political climate in America, most noticeable during the Obama administration when he stated that "he was going to fundamentally change America". We knew what he was referring to by both his actions and inactions. This change will continue to be implemented by the Democratic party until the transition is completed. We can no longer rely on the voting process to effect change in this country. The Democrats will not move forward to correct the voting process because it will impact their ability to stuff the ballot box. It is amazing that the Republican party had several opportunities to correct this debacle but chose to remain silent. Any time I mention this course to friends and neighbors I am met with the deer in headlights response. I have Cuban relatives that immigrated into the US during the late 50's to early 60's. My parents sponsored them, housed them at our home, got them jobs and housing in a few months after arrival. I did have some cousins from Cuba, so I have heard the horror stories first hand of the Castro regime. They are all deceased by now. So to the best of memory, just about all of the tenets of Communism have been completed. This is the most concerning time in our nations history and I don't believe we can educate enough people going forward to make any changes for our future. So, how do we get the word out and effect change throughout the country? There have been a few conservative leaders that have been willing or possibly have the knowledge to bring Communism to the forefront of media publication. I have been searching for an original copy of the textbook for years, but have been unable to find one. Only been able to find excerpts on the internet. Thanks for publishing this. Victor and Ruth Hawa
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