"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Nancy's in Charge

She is a poster child for term limits.

August 10, 2020

Seemingly, the world according to Nancy Pelosi has her as the high lord and potentate of all life on the earth; it’s all her way or the highway. If there was ever a poster child for term limits of politicians, one of those at the head of that line has to be Nancy Pelosi, coming from a family line of professional politicians, and displaying an arrogant, self-righteous, entitled demeanor. For the so-called Democrats in Congress she is god. Step out of line from her desired goals and you’ll find yourself sitting in the middle of the Sahara Desert.    

She is the speaker of the House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States, second in line to the Presidency. Pelosi has the responsibility of working with both parties and the U.S. Senate, and most importantly with the President. In the face of this, she presents a hyper-partisan, arrogant, demeaning, and sometimes nasty attitude toward anyone who doesn’t bow to her wishes. Pelosi has repeatedly defended the actions of extremists on the left regardless of the damages and injuries that are caused.

She can’t seem to carry on a discussion regarding Republicans without making a mean-spirited derogatory comment. She called the Attorney General, William Barr a blob, when he voluntarily endured abusive treatment by Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee. She calls the officers of the Department of Homeland Security, "stormtroopers," which is a direct reference to Hitler’s NAZI goon squads. Many DHS officers have been injured protecting Federal Property from rioting mobs and terrorists. She refuses to condemn Antifa, the vandalism and violence; all she offered was “people will do what they do.” That’s not an answer; that is ignoring the Marxist terrorists, or she is in agreement with their actions.

This disregard for what is right and her attitude destroys her position as a fair broker in any negotiation in which she participates, poisoning the atmosphere. Any time two parties are seated for a negotiation, there has to be the understanding that give and take will happen. At her 80 years of age, you have to question her mental capacity to deal with people and the issues. Aging of politicians should always be a point of concern; it is a fact of life that the mental capacity for many deteriorates with advanced age.

Whenever term limits are mentioned, a retort is always heard, the people will term limit by voting that individual out of office. In the case where politicians who serve as the front for a strong political machine, where opponents are held down by the establishment and prevented from mounting a meaningful challenge, the machine politician is basically running unopposed. In Pelosi’s stomping grounds of San Francisco, CA, the socialists that run the Democrat Party have a solid stranglehold. It will remain so, until the people there take action and hopefully elect someone of higher quality, or establish term limits with an age limit.

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