"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

New Curriculum in Schools: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, and Masturbation, and Who Knows What else?

June 21, 2021

The pandemic has opened parents' eyes as to what is going on in their local public schools. I believe the adverse reaction to the teaching of Critical Race Theory is the result of remote learning being brought into the homes so parents were around as the lessons were being taught over the internet. Recently a story was published about a private school in New York City where a first-grade class was shown cartoon content on masturbation.

You probably don't believe me that this could happen. We have principals, lesson plans, and supposedly, many other checks and balances to protect our children. Don't believe what I say? Go to the link at note (1) and see for yourself. One parent commented, "The video and curriculum are also teaching children that family members, including parents and grandparents, should not be able to hug or touch them even innocently without the childs consent." This concept drives a wedge between parents, grandparents, and the children.

One angry mother remarked to the New York Post, "Paying $50,000 to these a-holes to tell my kid not to let her grandfather hug her when he sees her?" Newsweek reports that a Nevada Family Alliance group wants teachers to wear body cameras to keep Critical Race Theory out of schools. I will have a recommendation in a few moments, but I want to give you more information about what is going on in schools, perhaps even yours.

Wikipedia reports old data that between 1991 and 2000, "roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical, sexual abuse. A federal report looking into sexual harassment in California said that 422,000 California Public School students would be victims before graduation from high school. The 2002 Department of Education report estimated that from 6 percent to 10 percent of all students in public schools would be victims of abuse before graduation a staggering statistic. Of children in 8th through 11th grade, about 3.5 million students (nearly 7%) surveyed reported having had physical, sexual contact with an adult (most often a teacher or coach). The type of physical contact ranged from unwanted touching of their body all the way up to sexual intercourse.

The United States Department of Education (2) withheld $4 million from Chicago Public Schools (3) "for what federal officials say is a failure to protect students from sexual abuse."

A February 2012 Slate.com article asked: "How many kids are sexually abused by their teachers?" The alarming answer: "Probably millions." It's an epidemic.

If so, why the silence? For one, teachers' unions don't want the truth to complicate contract talks and tarnish teachers' carefully cultivated image with the public. Administrators say it's almost impossible to fire a teacher.

Based on news coverage and opinion polls, the media believe public teachers are saints and religion is bad. So, while a church sex abuse scandal gets covered, a similar school scandal gets covered up. One last point regarding cash settlements, the LA schools made two payments totaling $169 million for one teacher involving 100 students. Based on the number of students attacked, the amount of money could be staggering. When was the last time you heard about a cash settlement for the activities of a teacher?

I could spend more time on other sexual attacks based on race, sexual orientation, and other issues, but I want to move on.

Some people have suggested that they saw and heard what was going on in the classroom because of distance learning and were shocked. The teachers' unions support the camera in the classroom for distance learning. I think they should agree for our children's protection to installing two fixed cameras in each classroom. One to be mounted behind the teacher, and the other behind the students.

Every time someone is in the classroom, the camera will come on and stay on until the room is empty. Each parent will have the opportunity, if their schedule allows, to watch live what is going on in their child's classroom. They can replay the images at a time more convenient for them. Very quickly, both teacher and student will ignore that the camera is there. If there is a complaint by a teacher or a student, we have a video record of the events on a particular day and time in question.

As you can see from the above, the classroom has gotten more dangerous both physically and mentally. We need to keep all of our children safe.



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Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is https://yournews.com/33908. You can find more info about Dan and his works at danperkins.guru.
Visit Dan Perkins's website at www.DanPerkins.guru