"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Culture War: Traditional Values Vs Moral Relativism And Hedonism

Something is wrong when a society embraces a group and extends to it special privileges and accommodations over others.

July 19, 2021

Something is wrong when a society embraces a group and extends to it special privileges and accommodations over others. 

White supremacy, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, KKK, Islamic terrorism, neo-Nazi’s, conservatives, liberals, progressives, socialists, Qanon; I think you recognize most of these names, now what do these entities have in common? Depending on your ideological and/or political affinities, one or more of these groups or movements, however you prefer to think of them, pose a threat to the safety and security of America.

There is, however, one other group/movement that I believe should have a place among this rogues gallery of tempest-tossed semi-revolutionaries. Although not considered threatening or violence-prone, in most cases, by a majority of the people, the LGBTQ still poses a danger to traditional values and institutions, and the moral and ethical standards of the younger and future generations. 

This begs the question - why all the fuss and attention is given to the LGBTQ? You have to admit, for less than 4% of the population to be given all of this fanfare and special treatment is unfathomable. It seems the entirety of the country: education, the political class, military, big business, the entertainment industry, Silicon Valley, and professional sports, are fawning over, and in effect showing an unnatural obsequious deference to what I believe is an abnormal lifestyle and a radical movement.

St. Augustine wrote about homosexuality, “Those foul offenses that are against nature should be everywhere and at all times detested and punished, such as were those people of Sodom, which should all nations commit, they should all stand guilty of the same crime by the law of God, which should not have made men that they should so abuse one another.” Augustine went further, but I believe you get the gist of his feelings on the matter. In post-modern America, such words would cause great offense, and the one who spoke or wrote them would be denounced, criticized, and held up for ridicule, slandered, and would possibly lose his or her livelihood.

There was a time in America when homosexuality was thought of as a deviancy, to be shunned, hidden away, and considered a mental disorder by the scientific community. In 1987 however, the American Psychiatric Association changed the classification, claiming it occurred naturally. One can go back in history to the 1700s to find expressions and references to this lifestyle.

In 1988 with the advent of the LGBT identification - the "Q" was added later - the movement came into prominence. Today, they demand total and complete acceptance without even a hint of disagreement by anyone. They seek to impose their lifestyle on the rest of the country, and if you dare speak out against an issue they most favor, you will suffer the slings and arrows of their outrage and that of their ruling class handmaidens. Just ask the many small business owners that have had their livelihoods threatened, some destroyed by the radical element in the LGBTQ. Americans who live their Christian faith, and refuse to acquiesce to the demands of same-sex couples and the transgender are pilloried and even sued.

The tentacles of the LGBTQ are widespread and reach into all facets of American life. In particular, education, the military, and religion are especially targets, and gaining acceptance and a foothold in these particular institutions will pose a significant threat and danger to our safety, security, and future generations. In certain libraries across the country, “Drag Queen Story Hour” is being served up to 5 and 6-year-olds, in many cases without their parents' knowledge or consent.

Recently, while still in the month of June, I was in a large chain supermarket, and an announcement came over the public address system that revealed how proud the store was to take part in pride month, and that a section of an aisle was devoted to LGBTQ products. And what has to be the most outrageous and ludicrous pandering is American embassies around the world flying the rainbow flag. As far as I know, no other group, ethnicity, race, religious institution, has been treated with such distinction and honor. The LGBTQ get their own month and parades, and are given an outpouring of adulation and acceptance.

Now to some this may sound like sour grapes, and to others a clear-cut case of homophobia, but it is not. I question the reason and cause for this special treatment of a minority of people, and at times at the expense of others who do not accept this unnatural lifestyle that many believe is antithetical to nature, as does Augustine, and nature's God. The Democrats seek to pass legislation that would give the LGBTQ a special status that would entitle them to priority over others in jobs and housing.

Does this mean that LGBTQ people, or any other entity, are not entitled to all the freedoms we cherish and hold as sacred? As Americans, we should each respect the rights and dignity of others, whatever their proclivities may be, without bias and malice toward none. However, when one group is extended priorities and special attention and consideration, at the expense of others, this is not in keeping with fundamental fairness and the Constitution.

Perhaps this just a way of protecting a minority group from what can be a harsh and unforgiving world, a magnanimous gesture to extend a helping hand to the downtrodden. Or, in the world of conspiracies, could this be something entirely different, a devious and malicious scheme by an anti-American cabal of wealthy self-serving, greedy, and power-hungry forces who seek to undermine and eventually destroy the traditional values, principles, institutions, and the Judeo-Christian ethic this nation was founded on, in other words undermine, diminish, and relegate to the trash heap of history, Western Civilization?

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