"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

It’s China, Stupid

August 2, 2021

In Mark Levin's best-selling book on so-called “American Marxism,” a misnomer since Marxism is an international threat, I counted only three passing references to the China virus, dubbed “coronavirus” without noting its origins in China. The omission is significant because of the fact that the virus continues to maim and kill Americans, as the virus variants claim more victims, and any discussion of Marxism’s impact on America should take into account what the Communist dictatorship in China has done – and is doing.  

The Mark Levin book is a big disappointment in terms of the threat we face. The book is a moneymaker for the author without an adequate analysis of the global communist threat. It does more harm than good.  

Maoist “Rebellions” in America

Levin’s book American Marxism does have some references to China, but only in the context of the background of Mao (page 66), China’s threat to its own people (pages 185 and 264, by citing China’s human rights violations against Muslims, “among other minority groups”) and China’s involvement in the Korean and Vietnam wars (page 244). 

Levin calls China America’s “most dangerous enemy” but doesn’t explain why. It’s a strange omission for a book claiming to expose American Marxism. Chairman Mao’s 1968 statement in “Support of the Afro-American Struggle Against Violent Repression” in the United States is significant in this regard. Mao had used the occasion of the Martin Luther King assassination riots in more than 100 American cities to declare that “The struggle of the Black people in the United States for emancipation is a component part of the general struggle of all the people of the world against U.S. imperialism, a component part of the contemporary world revolution.”

In other words, the Chinese Communists have been exploiting blacks to make America into a communist state. This wasn’t just rhetoric. A 1973 congressional report on “America’s Maoists” examined the Revolutionary Union and the Venceremos Organization. To cite one other example, American Maoist Bob Avakian started out with the SDS and the Revolutionary Union before running the Revolutionary Communist Party and setting up his own institute.

Any treatment of Marxism also has to pay attention to the American victims of the China virus. The death toll here is over 600,000 and more than 4 million worldwide. With variants from this bioweapon accelerating and claiming more victims, the problem of China must be front-and-center in any honest discussion of the impact of Marxist thought and action, known to Marxists as Praxis.  

A Divided America

As Americans censor opposing views on one side or the other, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues its march to Marxist world domination. As Swedish analyst Bertill Haggman notes, it is “the main threat to Western civilization” with 90 million party members, making it the strongest extremist party in history “with an extensive structure both of the party and the state for influence and information warfare.”

“The virus is winning” is part of a shocking headline over a Politico article about how “experts” fear that “China's rejection of a World Health Organization plan for another Covid-19 investigation inside the country threatens to deny the world critical data needed to identify and head off future pandemics.”

In this case, the “experts” are right. 

Forget about how the World Health Organization (WHO) is worthless. The point is that “future pandemics” may be planned and there is nothing the United States apparently can or will do about it. Rather than ponder “American Marxism,” we need tribunals for American traitors who built China and funneled money to its military-industrial complex that spawned the virus. These individuals may not be self-identified Marxists and may only be dupes. But they should be exposed. 

But let’s face it: Senator Rand Paul’s “criminal referral” against Dr. Anthony Fauci over the federally-funded China virus research at the Wuhan lab is going nowhere. 

China’s Drug War 

Instead of pursuing wrong-doers, we have the spectacle of Americans fighting one another over mask mandates and vaccine passports. This pleases China. There is nothing more that China wants than Americans continuing to debate what to do about the dangerous and infectious disease its Wuhan lab unleashed on the United States without identifying Beijing as the source of the problem.  

Another such problem, Chinese-produced fentanyl being smuggled into the U.S. through the open southern border, makes “American Marxism” seem almost minor by comparison. Here were 93,000 overdose deaths in 2020, many of them linked to fentanyl. 

China’s tentacles reach deep inside the Department of Justice. 

At a hearing on July 27, Senator Ted Cruz noted that “China has repeatedly used ransomware and cyber-attacks to harm America. Not only has it attacked pipelines in an effort to cause physical damage, but just this year, hackers affiliated with the Chinese government attacked tens of thousands of computers across tens of thousands of organizations, including a significant number of small businesses, towns, cities, and local governments.”

But the Biden officials he was questioning about this had no answers.

Cruz went on, “The Biden administration has not imposed any sanctions on China. Instead, the administration announced that it is dropping criminal cases against five Chinese scientists who, with the help of consular officials, hid their affiliations with China's military in order to infiltrate our nation. Mr. Downing, why is this administration refusing to prosecute Chinese scientists who lied about their ties to the Chinese military in order to come to this country and gain access to information?”

The person named “Mr. Downing” was Richard Downing, the U.S. Department of Justice Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division. He responded, “Senator, thank you for the question. I would have to say that from my position in the criminal division, I am not responsible for those decisions. However, it is something that I'd be happy to take back and get you an answer.”

Cruz was referring to a news item covered in the Wall Street Journal several days ago when it reported, “The Justice Department dropped cases against five visiting researchers accused of hiding their affiliations with China’s military, in a major setback to a landmark effort to root out alleged Chinese intelligence-gathering in the U.S.”

No wonder some call him “China Joe.”

“Domestic” Terrorists Have Foreign Links

One of the most mystifying references in the book about “American Marxism” is the citation of the Encyclopedia Britannica for information about the communist Weather Underground organization. 

Levin refers to “Barack Obama’s former associates” Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn being “associated” with the Weather Underground, quoting the Encyclopedia Britannica, when they were its leaders. Levin seems ignorant of the book by Larry Grathwohl, Bringing America Down, and how he infiltrated the group for the FBI and documented how Ayers and Dohrn were building bombs to kill police. Levin makes no mention of how members of the group traveled to such places as the USSR and Cuba.

Omissions like this make people think the Weather Underground was a “domestic” terrorist group. There was nothing “domestic” about it. 

Mark Rudd, who was a member of the terrorist Weather Underground, signed a letter endorsing “capitalist Democrat” Joe Biden for president. Rudd’s fingerprints were once found in a Weather Underground bomb factory, a location that included Chinese and Russian pamphlets and books on communist revolution.

Levin quotes a biography about Mao attending a university, suggesting he was a privileged member of Chinese society, when the key fact is that the Chinese Communist Party was founded by a Russian communist, not Mao. To understand “American Marxism” or “Chinese Marxism,” one has to understand how the Russian revolution began the process of global communism and led to the creation of the Communist International.  

The Private Life of Chairman Mao, a book written by his physician, is more relevant in this regard than some citation about Mao going to a Chinese University to read Marxist literature. It documents the communist dictator’s addiction to sleeping pills and barbiturates. The book exposes Mao as a degenerate and philanderer with homosexual tendencies and genital herpes who engaged in orgies. A man “devoid of human feeling, incapable of love,” he nevertheless was a dedicated communist with an understanding of Marxist dialectics and knew how to “unleash the energies of the people” through socialism. 

Quoting Soros’s Philosopher

One of the many other disappointments in the Levin book is quoting a favorable reference to Karl Popper (page 174) as an authority on the scientific method when he is the favorite philosopher of George Soros. Popper’s “Open Society” approach is what has justified the destruction of America’s Judeo-Christian heritage. Popper’s role in the Soros-financed “American Marxist” movement is worth critical comment, not a passing favorable reference. 

Soros is probably best known for funding the drug legalization movement that is engaged in addicting young people and making them psychotic through high potency mind-altering marijuana. 

Rather than throw your money away on American Marxism, I would suggest getting Laura Stack’s FREE book, The Dangerous Truth About Today's Marijuana: Johnny Stack's Life and Death Story, on a "Special Kindle Offer" through Friday. You can download the eBook version for FREE. 

It’s the story of Johnny Stack, whose life ended by suicide after his descent into marijuana-induced psychosis.

Most of the drug-induced deaths in America can be blamed on Chinese-supplied Fentanyl, but marijuana is also playing a role in drug deaths. The China virus attacks the lungs, in the same way pot does. But pot also attacks the brain, creating more mental illness. 

Trump’s Attorney General and Mark Levin’s friend Bill Barr, who didn’t detect voting fraud during the election and suppressed news of investigations of Hunter Biden during the campaign, failed to enforce federal marijuana laws. 

Levin, the one-time Never Trumper, featured and defended Barr on his Fox show, “Life, Liberty & Levin.”

In retrospect, says former President Trump, it is clear that Barr was a “phony.”

More than that, he was a former CIA analyst and Washington insider. A video I recorded on the subject was censored by YouTube. If you dig too deep, you will quickly understand what you are up against. It’s not “American Marxism.” It’s the Deep State association of Washington insiders and operatives willing to sell out America to globalists and communists.  

Sadly, Mark Levin seems to be ultimately clueless about who is planning and organizing the chaos in America. He’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

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