"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Putin Is Killing The Ukrainians To Save Them From The Nazis

Putin wants to be a Russian Czar

March 14, 2022


Anyone who has taken any time to study world history will see the similarities between the attack on Ukraine by Russia and NAZI attacks of World War 2. Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin has followed the playbook of Adolph Hitler in his attacks and publicly stated reasons for his attacks on the country of Ukraine. The only major difference is Hitler headed east and Putin is heading west; otherwise, the similarities are startling. If any student of history wants an idea of what Poland and Ukraine looked like during Hitler’s invasion, Putin’s invasion is a close facsimile.  

What people need to understand about the motivation of Vladimir Putin, he wants to go down in history as Russia’s greatest leader, wants to be a Czar (Russian royalty). He wants to rebuild the powerhouse of the USSR (1917-1991) and make Russia the world’s most dominating power. The question is what he will do next; it is most likely Putin will want more than Ukraine and which direction will he take. The attacks on evacuating civilians and bombing of a children’s hospital are part of his terror campaign. Putin has displayed a complete disregard to the suffering he is causing, the death of the Ukrainians is a method, to get Ukraine to negotiate his way. 

Putin has told his troops they are liberating Ukraine from the NAZIs - he has claimed the National Socialist Fascists have taken control of Ukraine. There is a slight problem with that claim, as the NAZIs he is talking about were pushed out and defeated in 1945. Most of Hitler’s invasion troops are lying buried within the borders of the old USSR, in many cases alongside Napoleon’s invasion troops of 1812.  

One of Russia’s primary objectives has always been a permanent warm water port, a goal of Russia from the time of Catherine the Great. Taking Crimea on the Black Sea partially solved that problem, but the Black Sea has a drawback. It has a bottleneck. The narrows between Europe and Asia in Turkey, known as the Dardanelles, is a strategic chokepoint that can bottle up a naval fleet. 

Putin would prefer a naval base on the Adriatic Sea, giving Putin access to the Mediterranean Sea. If Putin succeeds in taking Ukraine, he will most likely turn south and head into Hungary and Romania, then into the former Yugoslavian countries and Albania.

NATO has been surprisingly quick to build a unified front to the looming threat posed by Russia, in spite of the Biden Administration dancing around like a bunch of children needing to use the bathroom. The NATO Countries are stepping away from Russian fuel oil, while Joe Biden tries to keep the Russian oil shipments coming into Texas refineries. Instead of using the oil supplies in the U.S. and Canada, Biden is begging other countries, including those hostile to the U.S., to provide the U.S. oil. 

Joe Biden stated on 8 March 2022, the U.S. is banning oil deals with Russia. That is future oil deals, which means the existing oil deals with Russia will continue. If Biden wanted to seriously hurt Putin’s war machine, all deals with Russia would be canceled immediately and frozen. 

Why is Joe Biden so steadfast in keeping the U.S. under the thumb of other oil-producing countries, when we were self-sufficient under President Donald Trump? Has Joe Biden and his left-wing crackpots sold us down the river with a hidden deal with Russia? We will still be buying Russian oil, laundered through a proxy, if we cut a deal with Venezuela or Iran. 

Expecting Joe Biden to make a hard, clear-cut decision regarding Russia, is hoping for the best and knowing that Biden doesn’t have the guts. His main interest is punishing the Americans that voted for Donald Trump and won’t kowtow to the wokey dopey left.

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