The 1776 Assault Rifle.The armed Citizen is the National Militia.By Bob McCray July 25, 2022
At this point in time, it is painfully obvious the Biden Administration is being run by Barack Obama and a bunch of socialists who don’t care about breaking the law and violating the rights of the citizens of the U.S.A. The only thing that really scares them is the armed U.S. citizen who exercises their 2nd Amendment Right of keeping and bearing arms. The Obama and Biden socialists have interfered in the legal manufacture of firearms and ammunition by pressuring banks and lenders to interrupt the companies' cash flow by not doing business. Both administrations have gone to the extreme of buying up huge lots of ammunition, using various departments’ budgets. Their idea was to strangle the access to ammunition by the private citizen. Both have backed legal actions by victims of shootings against firearms manufacturers, which has been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. Their claim was that the gun manufacturers were responsible for the shooting and if so, car manufacturers are responsible for a drunk’s DUI crash. The socialists goal is to disarm the people of the United States, which opens the path for the socialists to seize total and complete control of the U.S. Government. At that point, Joe Biden becomes a dictator, much like Justin Trudeau has become a virtual be dictator in Canada. Thomas Jefferson said, “When the people fear the government, there is Tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is Liberty.” Thomas Jefferson also stated, “Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the Citizenry.” A year after the Bill of Rights was written, it was decided a deeper statement was needed to clarify an individual’s right and additional need for personally owned firearms. Called the 1792 Militia Act, it clarified the scope and standardization of state militia units as well as stated the need for the armed private citizen not in the militias. The citizen should be armed with their own firearms and retain sufficient ammunition and equipment, so as to able to fall in behind the U.S. Army in times of national defense. In 1903 the state militias were converted into the National Guard. The Militia Act was retitled, The 1792/1903 Militia Act U.S.C. 10, Chapter 12, which was updated three more times, 1956, 1958, and 1993; in each case the provision of the individual armed citizen was retained. The intention is for the citizen not part of the standing U.S. Military, U.S. Reserves and National Guard to be armed with the current military-grade firearm and be able to fall in behind the U.S. Military in time of need. The citizen must have a current up-to-date firearm or the purpose of the citizen being able to fall in behind the U.S. Military would be pointless. Leftist Politicians and other socialist talking heads ignore the updated revisions of the Militia Act, referring to it as an outdated document that mentions muskets, powder, and balls for the citizens of the National Militia. How can the document be out of date when it was revised in 1993 during the Clinton Administration, making it current and up to date. For a socialist single-party government to exist, it must destroy all opposing political parties, and all elements of a free society to exist and rule. An armed citizen is the biggest single threat to the establishment of a socialist government. “No free man shall be debarred the use of firearms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the ‘Right to Keep and Bear Arms' is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against Tyranny of government.” Thomas Jefferson.
For an accurate copy of the 1792/1903 Militia Act, go to the Library of Congress.