The Left Wing Media Say We Are In A Civil WarA Civil War, it's just an excuse for Martial Law.By Bob McCray August 29, 2022
MSNBC’s Tiffany Cross declared on 20 August 2022, the country is in a civil war. What war? Has there been a call to arms, where are the armies, and the force of arms, where? There is none, Tiffany Cross is one of several lying talking heads in the socialist left-wing media, who are trying to create a fake civil war. It’s like Hillary Clinton’s Russia dossier, it’s all about the socialists that run the Democrat Party hanging onto total power. If they can create a fake civil war, the clueless Joe Biden will go before the cameras and declare Martial Law, giving him dictatorial power. Elections for Congress and the President will be canceled, and Biden will use the U.S. military and possibly foreign troops to take complete control. Their primary targets will be seizing political opponents and firearms. At that point the U.S. Constitution becomes null and void, all rights will be wiped out, and the United States of America ceases to exist. The leftists will establish Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto as the new constitution. The country will be set up along the lines of a Fascist National Socialist and Russia’s Soviet Union style of government, as part of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. The left believes the U.S. military will just click their heels together and do as they are told. There will be a few high-ranking officers who will, but the bulk of the U.S. military will not, and those who support the socialists will be arrested or shot on the spot. The U.S. military is drawn from predominately conservative middle America and will not stand for attacking their own families and neighbors. This is where any attempt to seize the country by Martial Law must be stopped as fast as possible. If it drags out, you can bet foreign troops working for the WEF, China, and Russia will be brought in to back up Biden, much like the WEF mercenaries that broke up Canada’s truck protest. If Biden and his socialists are seriously planning to call for Martial Law, watch for foreign troops to be pre-positioned in Mexico and Canada for rapid deployment. Biden’s Administration, the socialists running the Democrat Party, and their wokey anarchists, have no concept of the troop strength required to control and occupy the U.S. The primary reason the old Russian Soviet Union never considered occupying the U.S., their leaders admitted there was a .22 caliber rifle behind every blade of grass. The socialists fail to understand the resolve of the American People who will fight because if we reach that point, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain, our freedom.