Where You Going To Plug In That Electric Car?Why electric battery cars? Propane is already used in cars.By Bob McCray September 19, 2022
Ever since our dear comrade leader Joe Biden stepped into the White House, the green climate-change crackpots have been in control of the energy supply of the United States. The left-wing propaganda media has been giving the green climate change lunatics a platform to scare the world, with their completely insane predictions. First, it was Robert Frances ‘BETO’ O’Rourke and AOC ‘Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez screaming the world would end in 12 years, and a now they and their fellow crackpots are saying we only have 7 years before the end of the world. That is unless the world, mainly the U.S.A. throws a mythical magic power switch, causing every vehicle to run off electric battery power and homes to run off of windmills. The green climate change crackpots are trying to shut down all fossil fuel systems and that includes the power plants. If the green climate change nuts were at all reasonable, they would be pushing alternative real-world solutions. Hydrogen fuel cells have been proven to be practical alternative that can be refilled in the same manner and time as regular gasoline and diesel vehicles. The fuel cell generates electricity that powers the electric drive motors of the electric cars. Hydrogen cars produce one byproduct and that is H2O, plain old water. But a lot of people are scared of hydrogen gas, you mention hydrogen, and images of the hydrogen-filled airship Hindenburg exploding in 1937 come to mind. Another more practical alternative that has been in use for decades is Propane Gas. The gas is used in thousands of fleet vehicles like cars, trucks, forklifts, and heavy equipment. This utilizes the existing internal combustion engines that already exist in gasoline-powered cars. Using minor modifications such as a propane sprayer tube plate that is installed under a carburetor or throttle body. The plate is virtually identical to the NOS Nitrous Oxide System gas sprayers used in drag racing. The other noticeable change is a pressurized propane gas cylinder which is used to replace the gasoline tank. Propane has been in use for electricity-generating power plants for years. Propane produces 99% fewer particle emissions than regular gasoline. Propane like Hydrogen can easily be installed at any gas station in the country. The final realistic alternative is nuclear power, which supplies safe electricity without carbon particle emissions. Nuclear energy power plants are a proven system to power homes and businesses. Unfortunately, the green anti-nuclear crowd has succeeded in stopping new plants from being built and shutting down existing plants. Nuclear power does have a couple of drawbacks, like the used radioactive rods that must be stored for eternity. Or there are natural disasters, like Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant which was destroyed by a wall of water from a Tsunami, or the completely avoidable disaster of war, which has been demonstrated by Russia in their attacks on Ukraine. If the green climate change nuts were really all about protecting the environment, they would have been pushing these alternative fuels years ago. But the green climate-change global warming movement is all about politics, as conducted by the socialists around the world, and it is the politics of control. The green climate-change movement has been funded by China and Russia for years as a disruptive organization. Now the socialists have their puppets in the White House, in Congress, and in the propaganda media. The only solution we have is voting the socialists out of our government.