"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Lithium Car Batteries And Water Don't Mix

Somethings just don't play well together.

October 17, 2022


Every time we turn on the TV we are barraged with ads and stories about Electric Vehicles (EVs). This is a perfect example of getting a cart before the horse. The entire future of the Electric Car is based on the supply of the mineral Lithium (Li), a supply that is found mainly overseas and has to be imported into the United States.

The biggest producer is China, supplying Lithium along with Copper, Cobalt, Nickel, Aluminum, Graphite and many of the rare earth minerals. Russia is another producer of many of the same minerals. The United States had the capability to produce many of these minerals, that is until the Obama Administration. Obama and his people were on a mission to shut down mining and industry, making the U.S. unfriendly to business, using the Environmental Protection Agency to deny future mining applications, and shutting down of others, all under the guise of environmental studies and the hokey climate change principles. 

One of the unforeseen problems that has been brought out by Florida’s Hurricane Ian, has been Electric Cars bursting into flames. This has been created by two things; first the primary material used in the batteries used in the EV cars is Lithium (Li). Second is salt which is found in the moist air and water surrounding Florida. The Lithium Batteries are massive and take up the entire floor space in most EV cars. 

In negotiating all the flood water left over from Hurricane Ian, EV cars have been bursting into flames. Lithium and water do not mix, the reaction is violent with a lot of intense flaming heat and produces a byproduct of explosive Hydrogen Gas. The saltwater and moist salt air promoteand  corrosion, it eats the aluminum and magnesium, and produces rust on steel parts. You can look forward to the same type of damage to the cars that are operated in climates that require roads to be salted in wintertime.

The entire effort to push the U.S. over the cliff by the environmental kooks is complete lunacy; the infrastructure to support the EV cars is in its infancy. It takes five to twenty years for a mine to come online and begin to produce. The same environment kooks that want the EV cars are the same people who don’t want any mining in the U.S. This puts China in the driver's seat and the U.S. sitting on the curb.

Ref: www.noemamag.com - Who gave the battery such power, by Ian Morse September 29, 2022.  

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