Climate Change, Nothing Is More ImportantIt's a scam for greedy socialist despots.By Bob McCray November 21, 2022
Joe Biden and Xi Jinping of China met at the G20 meeting held on 14 Nov 2022, on the Indonesian Island of Bali. It was painfully clear that Climate Change was far more important than anything about the Chinese-released virus of COVID-19. It was Climate Change, and more Climate Change; according to Joe Biden, there is nothing more important. Forget the Russian attacks on Ukraine, forget the drugs and people streaming over our southern border, and forget the economic and crime problems facing the U.S. If you listen to the Keystone Climate Cops, we have nine years, or is it eight years, before the world comes to an end. All of the ice will melt, the oceans will boil, the birds will fall out of the sky, and dead frogs will crawl out of long-extinct rivers. According to the self-appointed climate cop John Kerry, the world can be saved, if the United States would simply surrender its sovereignty to the United Nations. All of the world's ills will go away, and the socialist despots of the U.N. would have a free for all, raiding our country of its wealth. Climate Change is the ultimate scam, blaming the United States for all of the climate ills of the world. Environmentalists are always crying about the melting glaciers of the world. First, the problem was known as Global Warming and later it was called Climate Change, claiming it was caused by every person’s carbon footprint. It is an excuse to blame gasoline-powered vehicles and the pushing of electric vehicles, which is yet another scam. Global Warming is real, but it is a natural occurrence. Way, way back in the caveman days, about 13,000 years ago, a warming trend brought the Ice Age to an end. The glaciers began melting and have continued to do so. Most people know the thinner a melting piece of ice becomes, the faster it melts. So as the glaciers get thinner, the faster they will melt, but don’t expect the glaciers to disappear. During the Obama Administration, White House climate scientist John Casey ran the climate numbers and determined with supporting data that the world is going into a cooling trend. All of this is a result of the earth’s ending of its 26,000-year wobble cycle, which ended and restarted a new cycle on 21 December 2012. Remember the whole Global Warming/Climate Change is from a scam created by the One World Socialist Globalists of the United Nations. The Kyoto Accord and Paris Agreement are all designed to place the U.S.A. under the control of the UN and make the United States pay for everything. Much of the Global Warming scam is built around a greenhouse gas threat, where excess man-made gases create a runaway hothouse climate. The kooks like former California governor Jerry Brown and Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez were chasing cows around the pastures complaining about cow farts. Claiming Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will poison the world - there is a problem with that thinking, as CO2 has been higher in the past. And more basically, it is part of the process of photosynthesis, where plants use CO2 to keep plants green and produce a byproduct called OXYGEN, which mixes with nitrogen to give us the air we need to survive. The latest con job the Climate Change nuts have come up with is ‘reparations,’ for climate impact on under-developed countries. This as with all of the Climate Change scam, has nothing to do with benefitting mankind. But it has everything to do with greedy despots lining their pockets.