The FBI Now Serves Left-Wing PoliticiansThe FBI is becoming America's KGBBy Bob McCray December 5, 2022Over the past few years, we have seen a drastic change with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Once the world’s standard for law enforcement, providing protection for the people of the United States, now the FBI is a politically driven organization, protecting the socialists running the Democrats and seemly giving cover for their socialist extremist groups. Infiltrating extreme organizations has always been standard procedure for the FBI, gathering evidence and building criminal cases. But they seem to have gone a step too far, besides infiltrating various groups, they are possibly instigating these groups. A couple of years ago an extremist group attempted to kidnap the Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer. The prosecution’s case fell apart as the number of FBI informants and their involvement became known, resulting in convictions of lesser charges. We have all been subjected to Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-Ca), Soviet Union-style show trial, of the 6 Jan 2021 riot at the U.S. Capital Building. Reports have at least 8 FBI agents in the Proud Boys group and many others in the crowd with some possible instigation. One alleged agitator has been identified as Ray Epps who was put on the FBI wanted list, then his name was quietly dropped from the list. Many of the people arrested were allowed into the Capital building by the Capitol Police, with reports of an FBI agent leading the way past the police. If so, this is beginning to meet the standards for entrapment, setting up people to be charged. The FBI has been purging their ranks of patriotic agents and replacing them with leftists who don’t know or care about the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights. The FBI is being turned into draconian secret police whose purpose is to control the people with whatever force is necessary. Whistleblowers have stepped out of the FBI and have leveled charges against the leadership of the FBI. Special Agent Steve Friend was stripped of his credentials and weapon for refusing to participate in what he considered an excessive force SWAT tactics raid on 24 Aug 2022, against a 6 Jan. participant over misdemeanors charges. He has presented information to GOP lawmakers, and according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), as many as 14 agents have come forward. FBI Director Christopher Wray seems to be only interested in protecting the socialists and controlling the people. The FBI is now a shell of itself and is functions like a police state secret police, like Russia’s old Socialist Soviet Union’s KGB.