"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

America’s Woke, Professing To Be Wise, Have Become Bumbling Fools?

March 27, 2023

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. (Romans 1: 22-25a)

The reason we trust both the Old Testament and the New Testament is that the nature of God in dealing with men is revealed in great detail in the Old Testament. The New Testament offers a final solution to fallen man in the finished work of Christ on the cross in the New Testament.

The failure of mankind to obey God’s laws needed someone to come and fulfill the law and offer a way out of the sin that the law reveals. That person was Jesus Christ.

Without getting needlessly theological, we can see how God dealt with the ancient nations and Israel then we can find clues as to how we may handle our modern problems. God’s nature and his standards never change, but prophetically speaking men will always be changing and paving a sure road to their own destruction - if left to themselves.

In an attempt to save ancient Israel God sent many prophets to warn them of their endless attraction to all the sins and idolatry of the surrounding nations. Eventually, the promise came that they would be conquered by their worst enemy. Finally, they were struck down when the Kingdom of Babylon came and in four separate attacks leveled everything they ever held dear.

In one passage (Isa 1:9) the Lord likens or compares them to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. But America has gone way beyond those cities and can only be likened to the very resurrection or incarnation of Sodom and Gomorrah.

We are not following surrounding nations; we alone are showing the rest of the world how a mighty nation can sink so low, that most of the world now holds us out as a laughingstock and a complete disgrace among nations.

What other nation has conspired by means of an ideological and corrupt movement to cut on their children and chemically castrate them? What continent, nation, or state has agreed to persecute all those who want to retain their rights as humans, their right to a standard family, free speech, or their God-given right to follow the teachings of their own religion?

We once were proud that America stood alone in all of the best that human beings could accomplish. Now, we have the distinction of standing alone as one of the worst nations in the world, for egregious and filthy preoccupation with all things prurient and sleazy.

Switch Your Anger

Rather than joining the crowd that has called for the mutilation of children in the name of trans-gender insanity, like those who are calling out Ron DeSantis of Florida – make the switch back to sanity. Start by watching this one-minute video that shows just a small bit of the horrors laid on our kids in the name of a temporary tryst down the lane marked “momentary” gender dysphoria.

Since when does a failing president take the place of the Pope or the Bible?

Recently, President Biden was quoted as saying that any call to stop the transgender treatment of children would be close to sinful.

The Pope, even though he is the most liberal Pontiff in the history of the Roman Church, has never concurred with this advice. The Bible condemns this notion outright. In fact, any cutting, hormone manipulation, or chemical castration on children will get you on the fast track to the pits of hell.

Would you answer the last question on this video before you go to sleep this night? Paraphrasing, how many children/minors are too many, to have physical and chemical/biological/emotional therapies done on them to achieve supposed “sex” or “gender” changes? It is an atrocity!


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Michael Bresciani is the editor of new.americanprophet.org since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani, along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, earning the site the title of "The Website for Insight." New American Prophet is listed as one of the 30 best Christian Magazines to follow. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at USA.Life, Twitter and Facebook.

Visit Rev. Michael Bresciani's website at www.americanprophet.org
See more from Rev. Michael Bresciani at ameripro2@att.net