It Is Snowing While The Kooks Scream Global WarmingReal science says we are going into a cooling cycle.By Bob McCray May 1, 2023
According to the left-wing “faux” weather scientist, our weather is the hottest it has ever been. Yet, we are seeing snow events in the northern states at the time of this writing on 26 April 2023. They obviously didn’t get Obama’s memo. After being presented with the real facts, Obama declared the term Global Warming would be changed and known as Climate Change. White House climatologist under Bush and Obama, John L. Casey proved the earth is going into a cold cycle, which historically last around 250 years. The number of solar flares on the sun are reduced during the cooling event and is called a solar minimum. The U.S. Air Force and NASA agreed in 2011 that the sun is entering a solar minimum. During the last cold cycle, the City of London, England held events and fairs for decades on the Thames River, which froze each winter to over a foot thick. Another change in our weather is due to the earth’s completion of its 26,000-year wobble, which ended on 21 December 2012. If that date seems familiar, that was the date marked as the end of the Aztec Calendar. All of those who wear tin foil hats and run around predicting the end of the world claimed the world would be destroyed as many of them ran to the top of their favorite hill and waited for the mothership to pick them up. The 21 December 2012 date represented the end of one cycle and the restart of a new 26,000-year earth wobble cycle. 13,000 years ago marked the end of the Ice Age, and we have been on a warming trend ever since. Now the earth’s new wobble will take us on a cooling trend. So why doesn’t the left reference Climate Change as a cooling event? Well, it doesn’t have the same bite, as saying “Global Warming.” It doesn’t sell or present a sense of urgency like telling the world we are going to fry like a chicken, it’s all about marketing. Remember the whole Global Warming/Climate Change scam was created by the One World Globalists of the United Nations. The Kyoto Accord and Paris Agreement are all designed to place the U.S.A. under the control of the UN and make the United States pay for everything, giving every money-grubbing despot in the world access to the wealth of America. Much of the Global Warming scam is built around a greenhouse gas threat, where excess manmade gases would create a runaway hothouse climate, as well as claiming Carbon Dioxide (CO2) will poison the world. There is a problem with that thinking - CO2 has been higher in the past. And most basically, it is part of the process of photosynthesis, where plants use CO2 to keep plants green and produce a byproduct called OXYGEN, which mixes with nitrogen to give us the air we need to survive.